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just watched the news and they reckon were going into recession, what ever that means.
does anybody know what happens when we go in to recession. :-?
yes there will be even less work than there is now, but there is alot more money out there than there was in the 90s so maybe it will not be as bad as people think
dont know what it really is, but i dont think its the best time to be a tradesman, i havnt had work for 2 weeks but got 2 jobs to go and look at this week 1 with a builder so hopefully could get a bit of work off him.
people get short of cash, work dries up. building industry is first to suffer last to recover. if you're a grafter you'll get by, but tighten your belt!
Im no expert but weve already had 12 months on the slide it wont last too long i dont think, i remember the early 90s and i worked right through exept at christmas when we had to sign on, most of my mates were in Germany then. Well see next 12 months ;)
the only other thing is, buy a pick up and drive round collecting scrape metal

Rag Bone  ;D

plenty doing that round our way, local scrapyard is on main rouad near a busy junction and a busy roundabout off the aA52 and A38 and its constantly got about 9 vehicles loaded up on the pavements blocking everyones view ad getting in the way, might hav to go on the hunt :P
they were saying on the news the other week that ppl are not buying house's but doing there own house up instead, so there's still hope for us plasterers yet  ;D
they were saying on the news the other week that ppl are not buying house's but doing there own house up instead, so there's still hope for us plasterers yet  ;D

thats what seems to be happening down my way but.. friend of mine works for a removal business and they're jsut as busy as ever with people moving houses, tho thye have been established for 40 years! so ths obviously going to go in their favour
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