Reaching ceilings

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I am 6 4 BUt I use some of the soakaway crates they use on site they are n ice a n long which mean less moving around and when you have a 3m ceiling stack them up and your are at the perfect height, However falling off is not uncommon.

i use stilts they are realtively easy to get use to. easy to carry around, and being able to take your trowel from one end of the room to the other without any breaks in it achieves a perfect finish.
Im 6.5 and find i can reach, at a stretch, 2.4 high ceilings usually use a crate to lay on, and first couple of trowels, then give the final a cross trowel from the floor, anything higher i use the arubu hop ups can reach upto 3 meters high off them.
We use crates wherever we can got 500 & 600mm metal step ups and for 3 metre ceilings we've got tresills with wheels on them, as long as someone feeding you mix you don't need to get up and justshimmy yourself along with the wheels.
I'm 6'4" an use stilts. Used to dread ceilings. all that up and down now I love em.
I've seen Danny use them soakaways on a 10' ceiling and I don't fancy it!
allways use a hop up...if its that high we plank out the room,never had a go on stilts or even seen um..they worth having..cuz we never need more than a hop up..
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