Re-skim query

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I have a stairwell to do which is originally a black lime base coat, topped with lime and then at some point has been artexed and then painted with some hideous high sheen paint.
The PVA is running off the Walls, but some is clinging on.

Do I...
A) leave pva to dry and apply another thick coat of pva on top then skim
B) say f&@k it and go and fork out for some thistle bond it?

Any other suggestions welcome.

Ps- the Walls are solid-no flaking or blown areas
use a thick pva mix, leave it for a good half hour even an hour maybe then any wet bit run over em with a damp, almost dry sponge... that'll take the excess off and 10 minutes later you should be left with a tacky wall you'll defo need 2 coats though... youll never flatten the first one well enough cos it'll dry from the front, not the back... let it hazel right off before you top it...

edit: 2 coats of skim, not pva...
The black undercoat is called pug lime used a very long time ago generaly on terraced houses and it,s horrible if you have to hack it off normal PVA should be OK
Went and forked out for thistle bond-it. Worth doing I recon. I gave never seen pva run off a wall so quickly. There were puddles eveywhere!
Had to pay £40+vat at tp's for a tub of bond-it. Is this WBA cheaper...?
chris you ve gone 1 coat obsessed seems like you ve seen the light or summat lol
i make you right rock...
see it like this, in a recession every single company that produces an end product needs to cut its costs down to the bone in order to produce the same product at a fraction of the cost...
if assumption is the mother of a f'ckups..
necessity being the mother of invention...
then recession is the mother of the cost cutting exercise...
if its good enough first time, why waste time and money doing it twice... :RpS_sleep:
if its not gonna be good enough 1st time, do it again, but the more times you get it right first time the easier it gets...
no such thing as bondit or wba on council jobs, only if its fell off... you just make damn sure it doesnt fall off...
i havent proper 2 coated any boardwork for ages now... only overskims with differing thicknesses or very little suction... and sometimes 1 coat on areas of sod all suction providing I can get it on thin enough... or just base out the thick areas...
do it like this and I can cut job time almost in half, means I'm prepared to work for less money, like the sort of money people are prepared to pay in a recession..
good thing is, when we come out the other side.... :RpS_drool:
ah ok problem is people manage to find the smallest of imperfections in my work all the time you know a cats face as big as as a finger nail down near the floor tut tut what am i thinking.some bell ends think its formica not powder in a bag 2 hours ago
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