Re: plastering over artex!!!!!

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If its too hard just bond it then skim. the only trouble with bonding is it takes ages to go off so if you are able to and have enough money on the job bond it the day before, try doing it last thing then it wont be too dry in the morning. Price wise depends on the size of the job how i usually work it if im supplying just add £30 for every bag of bonding used.
cannt board it cus its going up the stairs and the fella who lives there dosent want to loose any more space on the stairs there allready quite thin like his wig. so bonding on it and fether edge it up? how long dose bonding take to go off ? as the wall starts at the front door and goes p the stairs and along the landing if i get to the end at the top of the stairs will it be dry t the frot door? should i but a rendering stop bead ? bout 30-40 foot long and at the stairs its very high!!!

Its a bit of both mate bonding is just a stickier material and copes better when applied thinner, but yeah years ago i did a small job and only had hardwall to hand to cut a long story short i should have waited for the bonding as when the chippys fitted the lining the whole wall just came off in a sheet :(
cannt board it cus its going up the stairs and the fella who lives there dosent want to loose any more space on the stairs there allready quite thin like his wig. so bonding on it and fether edge it up? how long dose bonding take to go off ? as the wall starts at the front door and goes p the stairs and along the landing if i get to the end at the top of the stairs will it be dry t the frot door? should i but a rendering stop bead ? bout 30-40 foot long and at the stairs its very high!!!

Bonding can take upto about 5 hours before it totally set but if you add a little skim to it it helps the process as for feathering it theres no need just apply a thin coat over the wall as in theory the wall is already flat just with a few humps and bumps :)
you could use a steamer, but if the artex has been painted with silk paint its alot harder to get off, which im guessing it has because the surface is hard to scrape. bonding it is your best option. buddy
ow yeh i suppose so it is straight, what do u think about puting a stop bead , not forgetting the artex in parts is a good inc deep its just kinda straight horrable thick untidy lines from celling to floor this stuff is , what would you do mate?
ow yeh i suppose so it is straight,    what do u think about puting a stop bead , not forgetting the artex  in parts  is a good inc deep its just kinda straight horrable thick untidy  lines from celling to floor this stuff is , what would you do mate?

Have you tried scaping it with a heavy duty floor scraper if that fails hit the high spots off with a hammer :)
In my experiance, which is limited really... Ive never come across stop beads in the middle of a run.

Anybody else come across that??
In my experiance, which is limited really... Ive never come across stop beads in the middle of a run.

Anybody else come across that??

ive known someone do someones stairs and landing but they didnt want the halls doing as they couldn't be bothered to move the big book case at the bottom, so where the staire came to and ende, so did the skim, with a stop bead ;D all good untill they move the bookcase i guess :-?
You could do it troweladdict you would have to use thin coat stops and put them on after you have bonded it and you would probably have to use 2 back to back.
this wall is easly 60 foot long going up the stairs and as you know when you get to the stairs th wall gets higher a lot higher and again the wall continues along the landing at the top of the stairs. il be on my own i think doin it so i dont know if il get to the end be for i drys it smoothed it down, what do you all sugest i thought the beads were quite common on very long walls to split the lengh up as you can stop at the bead and trowl up an start the other side of the bead when you are ready. :-X
use the bonding as i would if it was a angle skim bead ? i suppose iv never done it be for so i am just kina guessing budy what would you do ?
You can do that with out the aid of a stop bead just run a length of scrim up where you want it to stop then pull it off on your second trowel and you get a nice straight line to skim into :)
if u want to split it...... u could use door stop screw it to the wall, skim the two areas. remove the door stop and fill the gap.

or skim up to one side of the door stop, remove the door stop and skim the rest

or use a stop bead ;D
the scrim you put on our joints and cracks? bodplaster thats a good idea dose it work with skim aswell? saves using skim stop beads that, havent used skim beads b4 dont think il have to if it works on skim aswell
well thanks mate i think il bond that massive artex wall and skim it using that scrim to break the job up a bit. take care buddy thanks again.
well thanks mate i think il bond that massive artex wall and skim it using that scrim to break the job up a bit. take care buddy  thanks again.

a tight coat of bonding is really easy to flatten with just a trowel over it
to be honest it would seem you dont know what your doing so why would you attempt it in a customers house, I feel sorry for them
to be honest it would seem you dont know what your doing so why would you attempt it in a customers house, I feel sorry for them

I wouldnt attempt it with my experiance on my own anyway, but im lucky that ive got a good spread to work with in Chunkyboy. Theres nowt he hasnt come across in 20 odd years of spreading.

My advice would be, if you aint comfortable, try and get someone who is and spread the load (No pun intended ;)) The both of you would kill the job and you will have gained valuable experiance as well. :) ;)
i feel sorry for the people because they have to live with artex on there wall's
it must look like a cave :'(
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