re dashing

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I have 2 or 3 dashing jobs to do before winter sets in and they are all re dashing over solid dash now normaly we would sbr then 2 coat but the weather is starting to turn so I was thinking of trying k-rends 1 coat dash receiver which is desighned for this purpose .have any of you lads tried it yet and what did you thimk of It thanks in advance paul
Yes the over coating dash stuff I spoke to the rep about it and was concerned about the thickness it would have to be
think its suppose to be 10mm but that wont cover very well i wouldnt of thought also they recon to use an r7 primer but not always nessasery but i would just to be sure
I've used overcoating dash once on a house we were wet dashing and it's like bubblegum with what looks like tiny polystyrene balls in it, it goes on a lot thinner than normal krend dash reciever and obviusly covers much more.

Great stuff to work with and very light but i would think you would need a base coat first?
dieselpower said:
I've used overcoating dash once on a house we were wet dashing and it's like bubblegum with what looks like tiny polystyrene balls in it, it goes on a lot thinner than normal krend dash reciever and obviusly covers much more.

Great stuff to work with and very light but i would think you would need a base coat first?
yup i would of thought so
Done lots of this with Powerwall and K rend. The primer is to make the background stable because there will likely be lime in the previous dash coat that will draw the water out of your dash reciever. If you got the skills you will know straight away how thick to lay it on and it wont sag because of the amount of key behind it.
If the reveals are in good condition give em a coat of paint if not use an adhesive coat layed on thin and sponged up. Or re lay them in sand cement.
Try a test patch of 1 m2 to see if the DR will hold its workability if it dries use the primer. The mix is pre coloured and throwing some water on it brings it back to life without draining the colour.
It a quick cheap system
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