bloody hell thats gone up, sure you can pick the double up for about 15 quid...maybe im thinkin off sommat else...
2nd bottle btw, seems like the 3rd though..
blossom hill californian....really fruity and rich, goes well with the coke (and further) :

o...low watt thinking off a double 240v 500 watter...100 watters are shite...
know of mac tools? rep came on site, gave a wicked demo, had me sold on quite a few bits...then came the price...
'plasterers light'....basically a 200 watt bulb (standard pear shaped job) in a shatterproof 'helmet' on a stand....200 kidding...
1800 - 3m extending platform, lovely bit of kit, like a telescopic mini youngerman with ladder hooks...ideal for hall/stairs/landing...nearly 300 quid
shame really cos they have some good kit, but the bleedin prices...felt sorry for the salesman to be honest...
watch the offset step ladders though, looks like it'll do your h/s/l but it wont reach, not enough extension to reach the ceiling....