Re: check out my home made work light

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Re: check out my home made work light
check out my work light, i bought a exterior light with a pir sensor 4 £9.99 from focus, i took the sensor off and attached it to a modified travel washing line. lol ;D

also sorry about the picture being on its side
christy mate thou art a plant pot indeed ;D
still...if you get another 3 halogens at 90 degrees, set up the washin line indoors on a wet day and you can dry your washin!!

we used to nick the pendants out of the bedroom with the loft hatch and attach it to a length of flex with a strip connector, stick a plug on it and youve got mobile lamp to inspect roof spaces...or come to that loop the light cables round it on a newbuild extension and run it off your extension lead for winter work...

which reminds me of a tip, nothin to do with plasterin but you'll all come across it at some point in your life....when inspectin roof spaces for leaks, get up there (use a light or youll be through the ceiling) then turn the light off and wait a minute or 2...time your eyes adjust to the dark, youll be able to see daylight....that'll 9 out of 10 be your leak...
sorry to say this mate (cos i do like to see ingenuity..) but you can buy a double halogen tripod for pennies if you know where to look...toolfix/screwfix/forget jewsons and the like they just mark up..

i do like that though...shows initiative... 8-)

now what i would like to see is a scrim tape dispenser on a pole...they have a similar thing for tape and jointing....i just want a dispenser on a pole with a little trigger cutter to snip it off...o and you have to rotate it and a little 90 degree thingy comes up to do corners with...

or a splurge gun for dab loads of fun...
yeah if you look in screw fix the touch cool low watt lamp on a tripod cost £ 40, this contraption ive made cost me £9.99. hows the the red wine and coke

glad you liked the plant 8-)
hey big sounds like you could do with, my work light washing line to hang your socks on to dry lol ;D
bloody hell thats gone up, sure you can pick the double up for about 15 quid...maybe im thinkin off sommat else...
2nd bottle btw, seems like the 3rd though..
blossom hill californian....really fruity and rich, goes well with the coke (and further) ::)
o...low watt thinking off a double 240v 500 watter...100 watters are shite...

know of mac tools? rep came on site, gave a wicked demo, had me sold on quite a few bits...then came the price...
'plasterers light'....basically a 200 watt bulb (standard pear shaped job) in a shatterproof 'helmet' on a stand....200 kidding...
1800 - 3m extending platform, lovely bit of kit, like a telescopic mini youngerman with ladder hooks...ideal for hall/stairs/landing...nearly 300 quid
shame really cos they have some good kit, but the bleedin prices...felt sorry for the salesman to be honest...
watch the offset step ladders though, looks like it'll do your h/s/l but it wont reach, not enough extension to reach the ceiling....
hey big sounds like you could do with, my work light washing line to hang your socks on to dry lol ;D

y' theres another use for it...stink the room out though...
£ 200 for a work light that alot of money, i hope you told him were to go
also for h/l/s just use triple ladders and planks

just on my second bottle of red, think ive got a problem
now then h/s/l theres a new thread if ever i seen one...

long as it aint diamond white with fresh orange (poor mans bucks fizz) youll be ok 8-)
what you need to do is set up a profile with and up load the picture you want to put on plastering forum, and underneath that picture there will be 4 codes, copy the IMG CODE and paste it in the msg box, the box you write the msg in. msg if you have any problems
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