Ragni Trowels

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New Member
Just got myself a 14" stainless steel Ragni trowel and have noticed it has some sort of plastic coating on the blade, is this normal for these trowels none of my Marshalltown trowels had it on :o
never had a stainless ragni but the steel ones didnt come with it...i notice ragni have gone from a solid black plastic handle to an attempt at a durasoft style...i like the shape but the handle came loose cos there only rammed on a spike..
wrapped a bit of scrim round the spike and hammered it back on...been fine since...
see how you get on with it...i like ragni's, lot of people arnt sure...
To be honest l just got it for backing off my old old one was only 11" and steel, to small and sick of it going rusting

I like my Marshalltown for skimming :)
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