Not that I know of.....but if you invent one, remember your old muckers on this site when the ££££ starts rolling in ;Dwondering if there was a quick drying PVA on the market. cheers
There I am, minding my own business, content in the knowledge I may have invented a new word and someone comes along and piddles on my creative bonfire. I refuse to use the word now anyway on principle. In future I'll be waiting for the PVA to 'tackistrate' fully before I skim a wall. How'd you like them apples? ÂDont underestimate yourself Lee - check this out....
Main Entry: tack·i·fy Â
Pronunciation: \[ch712]ta-k[ch601]-[ch716]f[ch299]\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): tack·i·fied; tack·i·fy·ing
Date: 1942
: to make (as a resin adhesive) tacky or more tacky
— tack·i·fi·er  \-[ch716]f[ch299](-[ch601])r\ noun
I can see it now as your supping a cup of splosh talking to the customer..." Course luv, its all  a waiting game this plastering you see - I'm just waiting for the PVA to tackify and then we'll be skimming for lunch " - Lol
get away from pva its shite! i swear by knauf betakontakt now just skim it when its dry its like a dream doesn't hold back as much as bond it either and 20 kg for 34 + is pretty good
knauf betakontakt is that the same as wba