quick drying pva

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wondering if there was a quick drying PVA on the market. cheers
Not that I know of.....but if you invent one, remember your old muckers on this site when the ££££ starts rolling in ;D

Waiting for PVA etc to dry / tackify is the bain of my life >:(

I don't think 'tackify' is actually a word....but it should be ;D
Dont underestimate yourself Lee - check this out....

Main Entry: tack·i·fy
Pronunciation: \[ch712]ta-k[ch601]-[ch716]f[ch299]\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): tack·i·fied; tack·i·fy·ing
Date: 1942
: to make (as a resin adhesive) tacky or more tacky
— tack·i·fi·er \-[ch716]f[ch299](-[ch601])r\ noun

I can see it now as your supping a cup of splosh talking to the customer..." Course luv, its all a waiting game this plastering you see - I'm just waiting for the PVA to tackify and then we'll be skimming for lunch " - Lol
Dont underestimate yourself Lee - check this out....

Main Entry: tack·i·fy  
Pronunciation: \[ch712]ta-k[ch601]-[ch716]f[ch299]\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): tack·i·fied; tack·i·fy·ing
Date: 1942
: to make (as a resin adhesive) tacky or more tacky
— tack·i·fi·er  \-[ch716]f[ch299](-[ch601])r\ noun

I can see it now as your supping a cup of splosh talking to the customer..." Course luv, its all  a waiting game this plastering you see - I'm just waiting for the PVA to tackify and then we'll be skimming for lunch " - Lol
There I am, minding my own business, content in the knowledge I may have invented a new word and someone comes along and piddles on my creative bonfire. I refuse to use the word now anyway on principle. In future I'll be waiting for the PVA to 'tackistrate' fully before I skim a wall. How'd you like them apples?  ;) ;D
why would you want quick drying pva? on 90% of reskims you gotta get the mix right, if you have it too neat thats when the problems start, if you are doing a normal room, by the time you have pva 2 of your walls then knock up it should be ready,if you keep it 4/5 to 1 you should not have too many problems go down to 2/1 and it will slide and come off
get away from pva its shite! i swear by knauf betakontakt now just skim it when its dry its like a dream doesn't hold back as much as bond it either and 20 kg for 34 + is pretty good
id say that if it isnt ready to skim within 20 minutes to half an hour then it didnt need it in the first place, either that or its on too thick..
in fact i get caught out on a regular basis but if its running down the walls then a light wipe over with a damp sponge will leave a nice tacky surface that should give any problems...
you can never be certain with painted (or even unpainted) surfaces, sometimes what looks like silk paint will drink pva all day, and other times what looks like porous matt just grins at you... you never know whats underneath the paint...
Worst we've came across a few times is really old plasterboard in council houses. Customer has stripped the paper off and taken some of the board paper with it. The walls are a yellowy brown colour and it soaks up the pva in no time. Absolute nightmare to plaster as it goes off real quick. Need to go mental with the pva. Bond it is great but its messy and costs top dollar, we only use it on glossy/silk surfaces and anything that looks a bit dodgy.
get away from pva its shite! i swear by knauf betakontakt now just skim it when its dry its like a dream doesn't hold back as much as bond it either and 20 kg for 34 + is pretty good

Intersting... Where do you purchase the betakontakt from??
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