Quick D+D question

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New Member
I'm boarding out our new porch, problem being that above where the door is is a small sheet of metal on the door reveal (sorry, dont know the specific name), so i'm guessing that the adhesive wont stick to it, so whats the best method to attach the board to it?
i'd imagine it's youre lintel and it will stick, butter some adhesive over it first and leave it for half hour or gypbond it and then stick the board
haha, bet you wouldnt be saying that if you saw a photo of my ugly mug.  ;D

you're missing the point of the internet, for example, i'm a cross between brad pitt and george clooney only a bit better looking! (and may the lord look sideways upon me) !! ;D
i seen many a bloke gripfilling heads onto catnics etc...
anyway, the newer catnics / ig's etc have a punched surface to take the dabbin...
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