question on TYROLEAN rendering for the novice

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New Member
Hi everyone can somebody give a bit of advice on this rendering job

the house in question has had ivy over one corner and has pulled off the tyrolean but the base coat is still sound as is the tyrolean which has not been effected by the ivy
the ivy is now all off

ive said ill have a go at matching it up to the existing tyrolean for her if it can be done

this is what i think i have to do

remove all lose material,PVA the base coatmix up some of that premixed tyrolean stuff and spay it on, with one of them guns.

ive got no experience in using this stuff ive never even seen it being done, also where can i get one of these guns, most places dont sell them in derby.

the only thing im worried about is getting it the same pattern as the existing render can this be done or am i just going to have to say its going to stand out as they might have used a different method putting it on

id appreciate any advice cos i only ever do sand and cement rendering to a smooth finish
cheers Rob
first of all. dont use pva outside. use sbr. the best type of tyrolean guns are about £100 so go to a hire shop. or you can get a cheap one off ebay for 20quid but theyre not as good. the trick with tyroleaning is to keep turning the handle steadily and dont keep the gun still or else it will all gather up in one big splodge. dont try and do too much, it normally takes at least 3/4 passes. with the green gun you get a lever on the side which determines how fine the flick of tyrolean is. without knowing what the existing is like i cant say how to match it, so its just a bit of trial and error. try and do it on a bit of plaster board. one more thing. mask up anything thats not meant to be tyroleaned. windows. gutter. down pipe, floor any bricks etc
oh and on larger areas by the time i've finished the first pass i will start again but on smaller areas you will probably have to wait around 10/15 means at least. depending on weather etc.
AND, on the first pass hold the gun square to the wall so it flicks straight. then on the next pass hold it 45 degrees one way like this /, and then on the third 45 degrees the other way like this \ so when its done you shouldnt see any background colour from any angle.
cheers mate i was gonna buy a gun but i think ive only ever done 2 quotes in my life for it so ill hire one, ill get some of that sbr stuff as well,
thanks for the advice i didnt know you had to angle it
if your going to hire one then make sure it is the green one. kind of looks like a petrol jerry can. if its one of the metal ones you can buy it for not much more than the hire price. once you've mixed it. use something like an old measuring jug to pour it into the gun from the bucket. and keep it mixed (we just keep a bit of lath handy) else it will slump to the bottom and you will get light and dark patches.
steve cov said:
Bruce Willis said:
I like it, its better than dashing anyway.

(french word) me, id rather cover my walls in spunk than have them dashed


The only textured finish I like is Alpine.........................and thats shlt too :)
alpine is the horizontal or vertical grain looks like lines scored into the finish marmorit have a version called rolls
This is an Alpine job i did a while back
question on TYROLEAN rendering for the novice

question on TYROLEAN rendering for the novice
I will refuse to do anymore tyroleaning what a f***ing nightmare, i got it sort of the same as the other but you can see the join. more hassle than its worth.
dont give up mate, the 2 main things with tyroleaning are dont stop moving when your spraying, and sheet everywhere up. its actually quite easy when you know what your doing
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