PVA- Tacky or Dry

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Is it really a must to skim over PVA only when tacky? even after sealing the walls / ceilings with 2 coats of PVA earlier that day or the afternoon before? surely once you have sealed & killed the suction its ok to skim wheather its still tacky or has dried. I do this & have had no probs & pulls in lovely. 2 water x 1 PVA ratio
i always pva, then leave it a day, then pva it just before i plaster the area, even if its wet, never had any problems
This is a good point, i'm curious to see what everyone else thinks about it. I've always known tacky and nothing else.
ive often pva'd walls on the friday afternoon at colelge then gone back and skimmed straight onto it the following thursday without any probs
if ive pva'd it the day before and then pva it just before i skim, and skim it even if its wet it never slides. but if i didn't pva it, the day before and skim over wet pva it slides like feck. whys that :P
iitll prolly be cos when the first coat of pva dries, it takes the glossy surface off the paint so even if you skim over wet pva youll have the grab of the first coat...without the first it your wet pva is mixing with the plaster causing it to want to stick to itself rather than the shiny wall...so it slides around...
If the surface was roughish (like artex) I wouldn't have a problem skimming over dry pva as it has a physical key. But painted walls I'd want the pva tacky to act as a chemical key and give it something to grab hold of.
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