PVA price shocker!

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New Member
It's been a while since I bought any PVA over the counter as a mate got me bucket loads of the stuff at a seriously knocked down price last year and I've been working my way through it ever since  :)

Anyway, I ran out of the stuff on a job today and was forced to buy some from the local wickes. £9.99 they was charging. Just your ordinary PVA mind! I'm sure the last time I bought some it was nearer the £7.00 mark. What's more the spread I was working with reckons he can't get the Wickes Bonding Agent anymore. He said he's tried all the local Wickes (West Mids area) and none of them are stocking it. What's the crack? (A long hairline one if I have to start mixing my PVA 25:1)  :-?
tsch just keeping up with the times fuels gone up, shoppings gone up, p.v.a's gone up , we all have no money left, were all going to die............etc etc
Hello Mate
You can get PVA from screwfix online, if you buy 6 tubs of no nonsence PVA it will cost you £40 which works out at £6.66. Its their basic range but works fine.
hmm dont suppose anyone has ever tried using acrylic primer for tiling? sure that stuff would be better than PVA
The basic stuff from BnQ and Wickes up here has been around a tenner for at least 6 years!
I keep meaning to buy my glue, beads and tape, etc.... in bulk somewhere else, but i never do ::)
It's not just pva going up. I had to buy 2 20kg bags of thistle one coat, bloody £9.99 per bag. Is all plaster going up? We're all doomed!!!
dunno if anyone else shares the same view but all last year i was using jewsons 'high concentrate plasterers pva', 18 quid for 5 litres...
this year ive been mostly using wickes bog standard pva, tenner for 5 litres...
thing is i notice the wickes stuff goes nowhere at all, ill use 1/2 a tub on an average room reskim...that high concentrate stuff would near enough do a full house...
im still buyin the stuff though...psycologically its cheaper :P
why the long face?? just put your prices up to suit and add a bit more for inflation...end of problem 8-)
What don't we all just sell up call it a day and move to somewhere cheap like Poland! Plentry of work there as they're all over here!
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