pva before dabbing...?

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New Member
This may have been discussed before, but do you pva brickwork/blockwork before dabbing on to it?

I was tought to wet the wall down, but not to pva. If you do pva what strangth do you use??
you were taught right mate, if you do pva before dabbing use any strength you like but its a waste of time and money.. just make sure the substrate isnt too dry or dusty... board adhesive isnt like skimming, its designed for medium - high suction backgrounds..
you dont need to pva thermalite blocks for dabbing so you shouldnt need to pva anything alse.. just dampen it down if its old bricks and get straight on it if its new stuff..
If its dusty, like after old plaster has been hacked off then yeah pva it.

If its new and clean, then there is generally no need.

If your not sure then pva it anyway to be on the safe side.
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