put to rest

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have any one got a trowel thet i cood have a i found the lab scraping the floor to day it was his first day and last its got a big fat nib out of it not good even for bonding i had that trowel from day one 7 year ago may dig a holl and put it to rest in the morning :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( >:( as for the lab he was a mate so i only put a bucket of pink over his head wen he had his cup of tea
Just keep the trowel handy , get it out when someones around .Then you can use it for a excuse for your dodgy plastering .Lol
there's a couple going on ebay (the links in the dirtiest trowel ever thread) there aint no plasterer who's going to just hand over a worn in trowel mate , sometimes you need to buy tools for work
southernmonkey said:
there's a couple going on ebay (the links in the dirtiest trowel ever thread) there aint no plasterer who's going to just hand over a worn in trowel mate , sometimes you need to buy tools for work

Dont scare the poor lad monkey lol
according to your profile.. your called kirsty... and your 20..
so if youv'e been using said trowel since day 1, seven years ago... you would have been a spread at the tender age of 13? surely you missed out on alot of school while working on site ???
mrspoon said:
according to your profile.. your called kirsty... and your 20..
so if youv'e been using said trowel since day 1, seven years ago... you would have been a spread at the tender age of 13? surely you missed out on alot of school while working on site ???
Hence the spelling and poor Grammar ??? ;)
feel like pickin him up and smash'in him from WALLtoWALL!
only jokin'ish but does ask some funny fings?
warriorupnorth said:
mrspoon said:
according to your profile.. your called kirsty... and your 20..
so if youv'e been using said trowel since day 1, seven years ago... you would have been a spread at the tender age of 13? surely you missed out on alot of school while working on site ???
Hence the spelling and poor Grammar ??? ;)

perhaps hes telling the truth afterall then :-X

and this is for you all to read=not at school alot of the time mate what im going to site and talking french to the formen not my thing sorry when i started yes i was 13 your right i was working for a guy rerenervating house's i was on £30 a day im now 20 still skiming to day all i know is the building game wish i did stay at sckool now and yes my spelling is a bit up the wall coz im dislecksike :'( soooo you can still ceep ribing me if you wish evey one els dis
fair enough, was just trying to weigh up whether you were just pulling peoples legs for a laugh or was genuine 8)
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