private forum

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its all well and good moving stuff but at least let me in or what do i have to do to get in this private members forum regards pissed off from stockport
you need 500 posts but its well worth it the crack is great you would F*****g love it you can slag anyone off and believe me they do especially a certain fat bloke with a machine ;) so i look forward to seeing you in there next year lol
ive been on this for 2 yrs now and got 274 post with this one so im just going to slag everyone off on here its fooooooookin mad
It's great in there mate , we have right laugh , loadsa interestin stuff and loadsa porn thanks to spunky , say owt ya want ;D ;D
500 post is a bit much though lads Ill have to sue you for repetitive strain injury all this typing this means im going to have to join in all the waffle and mind numbing sheite
murplastering said:
500 post is a bit much though lads Ill have to sue you for repetitive strain injury all this typing this means im going to have to join in all the waffle and mind numbing sheite

I'm quite new on here but I've been let on the private forum for some time, I think it's because I'm a nice guy and some of my posts are helpful and make sense, you could give that a try Murp ::)
good grief andrew and I thought I was helpful well I never im dumbfounded no perplexed no underwhelmed no deflated no f@@@ked off think Ill have to rake over my post and find out where your dummy is
where did danny move the arcade section ?............and why cant we get the half price m/town golds anymore ???
murplastering said:
good grief andrew and I thought I was helpful well I never im dumbfounded no perplexed no underwhelmed no deflated no f@@@ked off think Ill have to rake over my post and find out where your dummy is

Calling me Andrew has given the game away, what are you doing pretending to be a plasterer mum. :o
Oh and I sacked me dummy bet I end up with another one though. ;)
Essexandy!! can you really get in there?? post something so I can see!!

Mur == your be ok keep it up!!

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