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Well-Known Member
Does anyone know the make up of Gyprime,thistle bondit and Betocontact ie. are they PVA, SBR or Acryllic based.
Wba is silicone based i think , as for the others there a bit like kfc secret resipe type but somone might know having used them all id say they were acryllic .
A polymer (from Greek πολύ-ς /po΄li-s/ much, many and μέρος /΄meros/ part) is a large molecule (macromolecule) composed of repeating structural units typically connected by covalent chemical bonds. While polymer in popular usage suggests plastic, the term actually refers to a large class of natural and synthetic materials with a variety of properties.

Well-known examples of polymers include plastics and proteins. A simple example is polypropylene, whose repeating unit structure is shown at the right. However, polymers are not just limited to having predominantly carbon backbones, elements such as silicon form familiar materials such as silicones, examples being silly putty and waterproof plumbing sealant. The backbone of DNA is in fact based on a phosphodiester bond.

Natural polymer materials such as shellac and amber have been in use for centuries. Biopolymers such as proteins and nucleic acids play crucial roles in biological processes. A variety of other natural polymers exist, such as cellulose, which is the main constituent of wood and paper.

The list of synthetic polymers includes Bakelite, neoprene, nylon, PVC, polystyrene, polyacrylonitrile, PVB, silicone, and many more.

dunno what any of this means though..
think church is probably bang on..
I know british gypsum no longer reconmend pva and havent done for some years but i think all bonding agents are way over priced compared to pva and out of them all the wickes stuff is the best to skim over a bond it mixes up easyier (stirs up and the silicone sand does not sink back down) and betacontak rolls on and covers best
never used gyprime but it dilutes and goes miles .
anyone wanna do 'suction control' in the faq? easily cocked up for a beginner..
Ill have a go when i get a chance but to much rugger on today ;) dont think we should spunky write about anything with the word "suck " in it ;D
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