Pricing of Chases

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New Member
Just a quick question before i get off to work.
Got a Kitchen and Living Room to reboard and skim in a couple of weeks time and customer also wants all the chases to the powerpoints and light switches from the rewire in the rest of the house making good whilst i am there.
There are 12 in total but not sure on pricing multiple chases as I normaly only do the one or two when patching and charge about £30 but obviously not going to charge £360 for the 12.
Was thinking of adding £120 onto the total.
How does that sound?
tell em youre prices and see how you get on if you come across as being professional enough you'll probably get it ;D...........tell em youre a limited company and youre a member of the federation of master builders ;D
It all depends on the finnish they want?
If they want smooth as silk blended into the other good walls ?
Then they gotta pay for it.The time involved u could skim the wall for the same price.
If they want rough as fcuk £80 on top.
I hate patching!!
Im a patchetist.
Thanks for the replies.
Went in at £120 on top.
Should be able to fit it in around the other work needed.
Maybe to cheap for some but i am still learning and trying to build a reputation for good value for money.
Got at least a months worth of work booked in so seems to be working out ok.
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