red wine strikes again...
what i mean is, theres nothing wrong with looking at a job, thinking 'that'll take me 2 days' 2x200quid=400 so 'jobs 400 quid mate' worries, its a price, if it takes longer tough, if you do it quicker your quids in..
whatever you do DO NOT TELL THE CUSTOMER YOU WANT 200 A DAY cos theyll expect you there at the crack of dawn, 'while youve got that can you just do this etc', youll end up running round like an idiot, and by the end of the job youll feel like one too...
on the flip side however...
if you find yourself employed, your gettin regular work, a regular wage and you've agreed to the hours/rate etc...
if the boss asks you to overskim a blown wall you have concerns about, by all means bring your concerns to his/her attention...if he/she overrules you, just do it, say nowt, if it falls off its not your problem, they might very well have a good reason (or may not, who cares?) and even if it does, you might find yourself doing it again properly, but youll get paid again for it so the egg is on their face...still say nowt...