pricing domestic work

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Private Member
just wondering if you charge domestic work by the square meter or by the day?

also had to have a beer tonight :)
Day rate £150 unless it's a ball ache of a job. e.g see the job and if you think it will take 2 days charge £300 plus cost of materials ( you make money on this as well). ;)
on domestic work always a day rate atleast 200 if its a full day 150 on a half day
Hello Mate
I price exactly same as Roofertoplasterer, may up it some if super busy but generaly stick to £150 + matts, hope this helps.
i try and stick to 200 at the mo even if we are a bit tight, from what the other trades are charging i can't see why for a good days work this is unreasonable??
i charge by the set....well as a guide anyway, cant be doing with getting a tape measure out to quote every job, experience tells me how many sets, and seeing as materials are cheap, what theyre payin for is my skill and time on site, i throw the materials in with the set price..always better if they get the materials on bigger jobs cos all i do is knock off the material price (which means i still earn cos i aint gotta fanny about pickin the stuff up)
full room depends on size, can do a medium room in 2 sets but i charge for 2 sets plus a bit cos its technically 3 sets...
largeish room is always 3 sets
massive ceilings and rooms i just divide up into sets again so say 50 square ceiling becomes 2 sets etc..
and if they give it 'How much for cash then?' i tell em (with a look of absolute surprise :)) "That IS cash matey.."
but i work alone.... ;)
150 is way to cheap you cant be running it through books at that price or you wouldnt be making any money, 200 is a minimum, when i price up domestic work is based on how long it will take x 200 + materials with a liitle bit on top.
i agree totally, take a room 4m x 3m total 47 square...easy done in a day, 9 till 4, piece of p'ss
150 / 47 = 3.19 a can get that working for someone else...
without having to advertise...
without double your diesel pricing the job up...
without taking time out of your day for FREE to price the job up...
try asking a few people if they'd pay you a oner to skim a smallish ceiling...most will bite your hand off...
yes, you get the odd nob, usually someone on at least 300 a day themselves (obviosly not in the building trade) who seems to think that 'tradesmen' (mr bennet in a little brown overcoat and flat cap) are genetically bred for the job, fed on cow pelletts, live in an old shoebox under the m25 flyover, work for nothing and actually ENJOY pandering to the likes of people who seem to think 4 years at university sleeping in till dinner and spending their grant down the local far outweighs 15 years hands on experience...
some of em even think a two week course makes em just as good a 'tradesman'....
in fact most of us that have been at it a while make it look easy...just as it should be, but take rio ferdinand or ronnie o sullivan, they make it look easy too, but do any of us seriously think we could do what they do for a living?
however if it's a small bathroom in a nice clean house £500 !!!!!!!!!!!
that's on my todd and for a professional finish if a labs needed it's extra
workin alone the price is the price, if i decide to take a labourer, the price is the same, im just quicker cos ill get him flattenin off thereby allowing me to lay more on, so bigger sets. If i take another spread, again, price is the same, ill pay maybe 80% of price to the spread (per set for what he does), ensures he's happy e.g. say i price 100 per set (for arguments sake), i do 1 ceiling i get 100, he does another ceiling he gets 80, i get 20...i'd expect the same in return...materials down to me, so technically i only make a tenner a set out of him...
I think theres nothing worse than working for someone else who's doing exactly the same job as you, youre just as skilled as they are and they take 1/2 your money just for gettin the job...
that changes however when youre employin em full time, you keep them in work and so become their rate time innit...
the 80% thing is for one offs from people in the same boat as me...
in other words..
red wine strikes again...
what i mean is, theres nothing wrong with looking at a job, thinking 'that'll take me 2 days' 2x200quid=400 so 'jobs 400 quid mate' worries, its a price, if it takes longer tough, if you do it quicker your quids in..
whatever you do DO NOT TELL THE CUSTOMER YOU WANT 200 A DAY cos theyll expect you there at the crack of dawn, 'while youve got that can you just do this etc', youll end up running round like an idiot, and by the end of the job youll feel like one too...
on the flip side however...
if you find yourself employed, your gettin regular work, a regular wage and you've agreed to the hours/rate etc...
if the boss asks you to overskim a blown wall you have concerns about, by all means bring your concerns to his/her attention...if he/she overrules you, just do it, say nowt, if it falls off its not your problem, they might very well have a good reason (or may not, who cares?) and even if it does, you might find yourself doing it again properly, but youll get paid again for it so the egg is on their face...still say nowt...
that said...if you are employed and you come across a problem the gaffer hasnt anticipated/seen/been made aware of, and he aint there...ring up, but before you do have the solution to hand...or maybe a few options...
nothin worse than an employee who says 'well i thought'...cos they might have done, for a minute or two..what they dont realise is the gaffer thought about the whole picture for a lot longer...whatever you do that aint in the plan could adversely affect the big picture...
flip side to that is the pain in the arse that is on the phone every 2 minutes with some pathetic little problem that 5 seconds common sense would solve...
sorry for goin off topic lads...
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