Priceing off of drawings

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s.p.t plastering

Active Member
Iv'e had a company send me out some drawings for a bus shelter that needs rendering at a park and ride, now, to be honest, iv'e never priced anything like this or off drawings, don't really know how to read drawings either.

It's not a lot of render at all, it's quite a big bus shelter with toilets and all that.

And obviously be a written quote.

What's the best way to go about it? Said they nned it by The 4th of jan, and then let me know if iv'e been accepted within 60 days..

What's the going rate per meter?..i assume it's sand and cement, or was thinking of useing ocr, and rubbing that up.

Looks a bit unprofesoinal if i don't send anything back..
If you cant read the drawing I would give it a miss. They should hace sent you a spec saying what materials to use.

if aint got measure ments on the drawing get yerself a scale rule and work to what ever scale the drawing are in then you can find out what sort of area your looking at dont try and find out what size the windows are and subtract them just include those in the area
Sweet, cheers lads.....My bro can read them...Just want to try and learn it myself, and have a bash at it.

Will have little look at them tomorrow, and let you know what i think, or how i get on,,
Its the important info i.e on the back of original drawings you need this will tell you the spec sizes etc.
if your not sure give it a miss or u could be outof pocket
Also, be wary of entering into contracts such as these if you are unsure - from experience I have generally found clauses made by the contractors that demand it be finished in a certain timescale or penalties can occur
pristineplastering said:
Also, be wary of entering into contracts such as these if you are unsure - from experience I have generally found clauses made by the contractors that demand it be finished in a certain timescale or penalties can occur

Yeah, it says i will need to enter into a subcontract contract..

Might give it a miss..

Shame, got no work at all for the new year..Very worrying
s.p.t plastering said:
pristineplastering said:
Also, be wary of entering into contracts such as these if you are unsure - from experience I have generally found clauses made by the contractors that demand it be finished in a certain timescale or penalties can occur

Yeah, it says i will need to enter into a subcontract contract..

Might give it a miss..

Shame, got no work at all for the new year..Very worrying

You're probably best off without it. There are most likely at least 3 builders tendering, each sending enquiries out to 3 or 4 plasterers. Waste of your time mate.
If you turn down every job that involves pricing of plans and entering into a contract then in my experience you will be turning away most jobs from reputable building firms, as long as the time allowed to get the work done isn't mad then swallow your pride and get your brother to go through the plans with you, put in a decent price that you can do the job for without worrying that you've gone in to cheap and give it a stab.
SPT, agree with Essex Andy if you have the experience - otherwise you may be entering a minefield, one you might find difficult to get out of if you were lucky to win the tender and start the work

Another option might be to ask the firm who sent you the spec which other plastering companies they have approached in your area. If they are forthcoming with the information, you can then approach the other companies direct, make out the job was a bit big for you on your own but would welcome the opportunity to work for them if they were happy.

You then get some work thrown your way for whatever rate they pay but you dont get the hassle of having to enter a sub contract with the original firm ?? Just a thought but I've seen it done, pal of mine got 8 weeks work once using this approach
They'll want the cheapest price and expect you to wait a month or two for your money. f**k them!
TonyM said:
They'll want the cheapest price and expect you to wait a month or two for your money. (french word) them!

agreed but you do have to be in it to win it ! As Tony say's price to be f**k*d about a bit !!
a lot of firms sent out enquiries like this... expecting us to do their quanty surveying for them as the tight t**ts wont employ there own... i just priced up a 450m2 eifs job in scotland for a firm of design builders... it was a very awkward job pricing up and took me hours... anyway to get to the end... i supplied them with a lum sum quote for the job approx 34k... anyway when they recieved the quote the cheeky t wats rang me up asking for an itemised bill of quants... ie M2, Linear M, Under 300mm, Beads, Flashings, Rails, etc etc... i just told them that if i get the job i will give them the quants... pisses me off t wats never sending bill of quants
Speak to the QS and ask him for a BILL OF QUANTS as your really busy and havent time to measure up, this will have all the measurements and specs.
s.p.t plastering said:
pristineplastering said:
Also, be wary of entering into contracts such as these if you are unsure - from experience I have generally found clauses made by the contractors that demand it be finished in a certain timescale or penalties can occur

Yeah, it says i will need to enter into a subcontract contract..

Might give it a miss..

Shame, got no work at all for the new year..Very worrying
every subbie enters a contract when working for contractors, , if you didnt you d be on the books, if youve no work m8 , get you brother to measure , get your price in , if you get the job you can then talk terms of payment with them, what you got to lose?
By the sounds of what your explaining the structure doesnt sound that big,so from the spec sheet and plan dimensions workout the area and then a price for materials + ad 15 % buffer.
From the area you can work out how long in days it will take with helpers /labourers
Work out scafdfolding and any hire costs you will incur ring around find the cheapest then add 10%
Add them al together

Now you got your price

Dont worry to much about time cluases this is only a small job and i doubt there will be any but ifso and you dont think you can do the work in the time stated explain you need more time,these cluses are only a guide frame to work from, most these contracts are looking for you to identifiy the time of finnish anyhow,unless a Qs has been instructed an evaluated the site nd pricing
.Its not a shopping centre thats losing £250,00 a day by not being open on time no is it ????

Give it a stab plastering is a learning curve you will learn a lot from this little exercise aND PROBABLY MAKE GOOD DOSH
I bet this job will be a right pain in the ass.

Dont forget things like you will be responsible to cover all areas where you are working, once s/c get's onto tarmac and goes off its you who will foot the bill.

Always remember things like this when pricing work. allow time and materials to cover windows,doors flooring etc.

Cheers boys, some amazing advice in here...

Theres a list of things it says i must do, like i'm responsible for my own rubbish, and can't use any of there skips and stuff.

I take it i will definately need public liablity insurance for a job like this? which mine has ran out.

Any other tickets or things i might need?...Apart from basic cscs card, got that
Your right Andy ,and to add to that only a fool would get up in the morning with out it.
Only cost about £400 for me multi trade,plastering only £200 max.
3 year ago as i was walking out of the door just after getting paid on a job i was working on i scraped alongside a grandfather clock with painters pole and scratched it,the woman went bollistic threating this and that saying the clock was worth £5,000 etc etc,phoned up natwest i paid £100 excess they got a french polisher to come in and sort it out ,job done evryone happy.i only 2 week ago plastererd her brothers ceiling in kitchen by recommendation from her,but without the insurance could of been a different story altohether.
I also once whilst over boarding a ceiling screwed through a pipe by the time i switched the water of from outside stop main (as stop cock had seized up ) had trashed 2rooms withn the house and caused £5000 damage with carpets decoration such like.
£100 excess and sorted. Could have been a different story again for a £200 overboard and skim job.

Gotta have insurance mate its so important and a legal requiremant like Andy says.

I usually always got public liabilitys for myself, as you need it to get on site, but it ran out and not bothered with it since iv'e been doing domestic..But will re-new in the new year.

They want me to have employees public liability insurance for 10 million, which the cheapest i could find was £500, and loads of other contracts and stuff they want, some 5th edidtion thing..

Going to give this a miss i think, as it's only me on my own, and want to keep it like that really..

As long as i can get enough work to keep myself busy, il'l be happy.
skimmin2day said:
Your right Andy ,and to add to that only a fool would get up in the morning with out it.
Only cost about £400 for me multi trade,plastering only £200 max.
3 year ago as i was walking out of the door just after getting paid on a job i was working on i scraped alongside a grandfather clock with painters pole and scratched it,the woman went bollistic threating this and that saying the clock was worth £5,000 etc etc,phoned up natwest i paid £100 excess they got a french polisher to come in and sort it out ,job done evryone happy.i only 2 week ago plastererd her brothers ceiling in kitchen by recommendation from her,but without the insurance could of been a different story altohether.
I also once whilst over boarding a ceiling screwed through a pipe by the time i switched the water of from outside stop main (as stop cock had seized up ) had trashed 2rooms withn the house and caused £5000 damage with carpets decoration such like.
£100 excess and sorted. Could have been a different story again for a £200 overboard and skim job.

I was paying £80 a year for a million pound public liabilitys, is that alright? and the right one?

Gotta have insurance mate its so important and a legal requiremant like Andy says.
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