price of plaster

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Hello Mate
No one sells it for that and as for the split bags I would recommend not to bother as most are out of date, as the other guy said I think Wicks has the best deal on at the moment.
BnQ have upped their prices here. You used to get 5 bags for £3.74 each.
But now you need to buy ten to get them at that price >:(
Its £4.38 for one bag.
i think homebase or one of em do a 'multi finish' but it aint thistle and it comes in little 5kg 5 bags a wall..??
and theyre not much different pricewise to a 25kg bag of thistle..
i must of heard wrong... thought it was too good to be true.. :( did see wicks selling out of date tough coat @ 50p per bag.
tough coat blach  ;D i hate it! it's like krend ......really grainy and just wants to stick to the trowel (ok poss a bit over the top  ;D) does anyone know its actual use ? im used to h/wall and we were put on a job labour only using t/coat on thermalite block .......... give me h/wall pleeeeeeeeeeeeease
tough coat blach  ;D i hate it! it's like krend ......really grainy and just wants to stick to the trowel (ok poss a bit over the top  ;D) does anyone know its actual use ? im used to h/wall and we were put on a job labour only using t/coat on thermalite block .......... give me h/wall pleeeeeeeeeeeeease
Tough coat has been made for the last 10/15 years or so it replaced browning HSB, for high suction backgrounds. if it grey its crap pink stuff is lovely to use, same goes for hardwall grey=crap, pink= great :)
yeh and hopefully theyll replace tough coat with something else!............does it serve a purpose that h/wall doesn't?
Noticed the Pink: OK , Grey: Crap link, whats the actual difference, anybody know? :-/
they reckon the reason our skim is pink and knauf is white is cos ours has clay as an impurity...suppose its prolly the same for hardwall...
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