preparing brickwork for ocr

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what bricks are they mate if there standard clay brick you can either rake the joint out to 6mm and give them a good soaking if there engineering brick give them a coat of rendaid ...........i made all this up by the way and havent got a clue if its right but it sounds good ;)
what is rendaid btw? ive never used it but it sounds like a premixed sbr slurry? everythings premixed these days innit..
if youre stuck for a key outside use it mate its like the external gypbond can mix it up wet roll it on and scratch it or trowel it on ......its polymer based i think whatever that means ;D
'poly' from the latin meaning 'many'...
'mer' from the french meaning '(german word)e'...
a load of (german word)e.. basically... ;D

i looked it up on that mirriam webster thing once and was still none the wiser..

is it expensive stuff? bagged im guessing? prolly worth considering on almost any refurb job i suppose.. cant be too carefull...

might have a full house in daventry, bit off everything on it.. normally id just treat whatever surface whatever way so this stuff you just lash it on all over and it makes everything the same yes?
yes mate krend do one called hp12 or hpx webbers is rendaid the hpx is for backgrounds with movement or refurb work ...if youre doing a new build with indifferent suction go with hp12 its a bit cheaper .....thats the beuty of it aswell mate it neutralises all the suction so if the top coat goeas wrong youve got no excuses :-\....... ;D
rendaid is the best stuff to use its about 12 - 13 quid a bag but you should get about 8 metres from a bag, don't rake the joints out as this can cause the OCR to sink into the joints if you do want to use sbr then mix it into the OCR to form a slurry then cover the wall that way, if it's new concrete blockwork then you can render straight onto it, anything else and i strongly recommend rendaid or sbr
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