posting pics and vids

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Private Member
I cant post a pice or a vid:RpS_cursing: if I try to post an image via the 'from URL' tab I get this error
Error:Exceeds your quota by XX.XXKB. <a ref=’’nofollow’’
Here to view your attatchment</a>

if I try and post a pic from my comp i just get the red circle with a ! in the middle after I have clicked post
If its something to do with all the pics I have posted then how do i delete them all?
cheers Nisus, I know how to do that but i thought that I could just copy the image URL from the site with the image or vid and just show it on here :RpS_confused: why cant I do that? its not as if this forum is hosting the pic/vid (i use to be able to do that)
the empty post above you was me trying to copy the URL from photobucket and paste the addy into the 'insert image' dialog box on here but it still says

Error:Exceeds your quota by XX.XXKB. <a ref=’’nofollow’’
Href=’’misc.php?do=attachments’’target=’’_blank’’> Click
Here to view your attatchment</a>

strange! :RpS_confused: It takes longer saning it to photobox then posting it on here :-(

also how did you change my avatar ?
I didn't change it mate ask Flynny, rich brown or wozza :RpS_wink:

You just paste the photobucket image code in the post mate,
Not in the insert image box that won't work.

I do it all on me phone mate takes seconds :RpS_wink:
how do they do it lol
ye mate i know that bit
posting pics and vids
just the last image i had copied but i tried to paste the URL into the box to see if it made any difference and nope :RpS_cursing:

so you search an image then save to photobucket or where ever you save them to then repost on here all on ya phone
how do they do it lol
ye mate i know that bit
posting pics and vids
just the last image i had copied but i tried to paste the URL into the box to see if it made any difference and nope :RpS_cursing:

so you search an image then save to photobucket or where ever you save them to then repost on here all on ya phone

Yeah mate all on phone, google an image, save it, email it to photobucket, go to their site then get the image code copy & paste it on here :RpS_wink:

They can change avatars & signatures mate mods can & super mods :RpS_sneaky:
well there a very naughty boys


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something funny is going on here!! ive just edited my post and inserted a vid and now it lets me but still wont let me post a pic :RpS_lol:
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