Gota job to do this week. on one wall two double sockets have been moved on a stud wall. The wall has been insulated with a poystyrene sheet inside. So I have two holes double socket size and the inside is cut into this polystyrene. what to do...
1. Dry wall adhesive a piece of board in then fill out and level with bonding.
Q Will the dry wall adhesive take to the polystyrene?
2. Eml then build out with layers of bonding to level.
Q errrr can't think of one!
3. Another option one of you might have!
Q Errrr
1. Dry wall adhesive a piece of board in then fill out and level with bonding.
Q Will the dry wall adhesive take to the polystyrene?
2. Eml then build out with layers of bonding to level.
Q errrr can't think of one!
3. Another option one of you might have!
Q Errrr