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Gota job to do this week. on one wall two double sockets have been moved on a stud wall. The wall has been insulated with a poystyrene sheet inside. So I have two holes double socket size and the inside is cut into this polystyrene. what to do...

1. Dry wall adhesive a piece of board in then fill out and level with bonding.
Q Will the dry wall adhesive take to the polystyrene?

2. Eml then build out with layers of bonding to level.
Q errrr can't think of one!

3. Another option one of you might have!
Q Errrr

dp :)
cut the poly away at the back then get some tilers lathe or such cut it 3 or 4 inches wider than the hole slide in the back tight up to the board and screw it . then just cut a piece of board to fit the hole and screw that to the timber. . tape and skim as normal. saves waiting for other stuff to set hope this helps. ;)
Hmm now there's a thought.

Time's not an issue as I'm going over two days but like the idea m8 cheers.

Think I'll go with the bonding idea but I'll stick some adhesive on to the poly to see what happens.

Probably watch the wall melt!!! lol ;D
Hi Paul
Thought I'd get back to you and say that I went to do that job and looking at it bonding wasn't going to work so I went with your suggestion.
Spot on job mate
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