Polymer scratch coat renders

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I have to render a three block of houses to morrow in polymer render, its supposed to be machined on but I will be putting it on by hand as there is no machine available. I have never done the scratch coat renders before but I know how to do it I'm just after some tips or things to look out for so I don't end up with any patches in the finish or scratch too much off.
just do a search on it, its been covered numerous times on here the application process of monocouche render.
I have been searching the forums already with not a lot of success, my main problem is more to do with the time period for scratching back? I always thought it was apply one day and scratch back the next but I have also saw that some people say 3/4 hours depending on the product used and since I'm not 100% sure which one I'm using.
if you dont know what geas your using how can anyone give you advice on times? weber, parex, sto, k rend etc all have different setting times. 3 hours ? not with the weather at moment.
Spend the first few hours prepping, put it on in the afternoon and scrape it tomorrow. Don't forget to take your equity card.
I didn't end up doing it as they insisted the people who have priced for the job do the work, they are really slow and using the machine they are spraying everything and I mean everything :) It looks like Christmas has come when you look at the roofs. The product the lads are spraying with turns out to be Parex but whether Persimmon would of bought that for me is a different matter? I have no doubt I will being doing some of the houses sooner rather than later.
Is the job in Harlow by the mini roundabout coudace homes?

Owls what do you normally do with roofs are you just careful or hold something up or cover them
hold something against them,
i have a few lengths of like plastic stuff offa dry fixing section off a roof there idea as well as for using to cover the area below your dpc level if the bottom two bricks are seen it stops them getting splattered.
The job is in the North East for Persimmon homes as I do the houses for them but they were/are pushed for the external renders on three plots as they were supposed to have a CML on them this week. There is a gang of four lads and it has took them 3 days to spray a house with the stipple effect and there is only about 70m2 in it. I reckon the block I was going to do will take them 3/4days and that only has about 70m2 its just high up as its in the town houses.
70 metre in 3 day?
we did around 90 metre yesterday with 3 of us, granted they were good areas, but even so. we used to do a bit for persimmon.
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4 days actually if you take into account all the prep work and beading. I think they have done a course recently on how to use the machine and when they spray they hold the end about 1 foot away from the wall which gives them a terrible coverage and its the reason they have so much splatter everywhere. They are that slow they even put a joint on a gable and it looks great now NOT. I didn't even think the stipple coat would stick properly when you spray it onto 2/3 day old 1srt coat render
The recession has put an end to that, I'm plastering houses out for less than what they were worth 14 years ago but what can you do.
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