poly ripple

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had to plaster over a poly ripple ceiling. you dont see poly ripple very often now. anyway i didnt bother scraping in off, pva and just plastered straight over the top, had to put a really think coat on first, and quite thick second coat, and had a couple of white dots on ceiling. anyone else plastered over poly ripple
is it that stuff sort of half artex half sandtex? if it is, then yes i have, and did same as you. tried to scrape it but it was like concrete.
yeah it looks like wba or bont it, but a very aggresive finish if you know what i mean, basicly it fecking hanging, good key though. next time i do it i mighty charge for 3 coats
sorry lads but i think ive had the sameproblem i tried scraping the bast&rd thing of with a floor scraper and it wouldn't budge, then when i gave up i p.v.a'd it and it was well porous and the p.v.a was peeling of like a trooper so i had to gypbond it and start again whatssandtex?
na there completly different, santex is porous and wba isnt, there made from completly differnt polymers
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