been to see a job today for an asian woman when i got there most of the house has been done, very poorly, trowel marks everywhere water marks everywhere, nt used a brush on his angles etc.
customer shows me a few walls that this guy has left and not come back, 2" strips down the side of the arci not even touched them. left all the sockets and light switches on rough as (french word).
i asked her how much he charged she said 80 a day and she bought his dinner too, took him 3 days to do a 4mx3m living room no ceiling either.
dont know how this (french person) can call himself a plasterer or even a (french word)ing plasterers labourer
customer shows me a few walls that this guy has left and not come back, 2" strips down the side of the arci not even touched them. left all the sockets and light switches on rough as (french word).
i asked her how much he charged she said 80 a day and she bought his dinner too, took him 3 days to do a 4mx3m living room no ceiling either.
dont know how this (french person) can call himself a plasterer or even a (french word)ing plasterers labourer