Plastic waste.

I was up in Lytham St Annes last weekend and they were cleaning the beaches of plastic bottles. In Norway and Sweden etc. they have a refund policy. When you take the bottles back to the shop you get a per centage off your next purchase or the money equivalent. It makes sense. They used to have it in this country when I was a kid. You would take your R. Whites or Barr or Schofields back to the shop and get 5p for each bottle. I used to make quite a bit of money doing it. Looking on wasteground and in bins and gorse bushes, derelict houses etc. You'd sometimes find porn mags, as well. A few times we came across tramps in the derelict houses. That was quite scary. Like in Stephen King's It.

Russia Today is a better news channel than Sky, by the way. If news organizations were a huge animal, Sky News would be the arsehole.
Noted. Everything is just a money spinner things need to change. I do my bit of recycling etc but at the same time people are mining for gypsum and I'm puting it up a wall. Catch 22,
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Manufacturers and importers paying a product environmental fee to the government on their products for such scenarios so the government has the funds to do the clean up yet they use it for different purposes I'm fairly sure.
On paper there was a 0.01p / m² levy back in 2010 i imagine it's gone up since. Plus the end user gets taxed like council tax, business waste etc collection
The refund on plastic waste bottles is a good idea I think... also those who dont have a job could make it a little living....

Reading and leeds festival use to charge you 10p for your beer cup... but would give you 10p per cup you bring back... times were tough and we funded all our drinking over the weekend by collecting the cups :D

Made the cleanup operation quicker and easier :D