Plastic beading

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Well-Known Member
Does anyone use the plastic chamfered beading used on mono for breaking up areas been out this week looking for mono suppliers for a job, easier said than done didnt realise it was so difficult to get in this country, and no one new what i was talking about we use it on everey job in Spain.
Got the mono from Penlaw Grand but they didnt have the beads i mean got to go now willexplain later
Right ime back now, the stuff i mean is like a plastic chamfererd batten about 15mm wide. I you were doing a front of a house for instance you would break the front of the house into three sections by bedding the beads in first and maybe around the windows to give a border which could be done in a differrent colour they are bedded in plumb so you can rule of them when finished pop them out and they leave a nice feature Render systems will know what ime talking about. Thats the way they do it in Spain anyway havent seen it done here like that but then i havent realy done any mono ever here.
i know what you mean, you put it in, finish the wall and then take it out again leaving a channel like feature.
I'm using them easibeads on a job now, they are quick to put up and fill out but its easy to get carried away firing on base coat and realising you have all them windows to go buck and stucco.
Laying them on by hand is a pain aswell because they are 25mm deep going onto plastic and it slumps everywhere. Get a machine
I suppose you just run them easibeads through a tile cutter or similar with a good disc on it if you want to do beads wider than they are?? What width are they...4"?
Thats the ones i mean Sprayit obvviously not available in the U.K. Thanks for the input everyone thought i was going mad for a while and was just imagining them.
he is on about easi bead not the other ones. Lucius make a search for Protector beads, they do all beads imaginable see who the uk supplier is
sprayit said:
he is on about easi bead not the other ones. Lucius make a search for Protector beads, they do all beads imaginable see who the uk supplier is

wemico is the uk distributor of protektor. but I got the protektor cataloge sent over from germany and wemico dont have all the stuff in there
sssssstttunning beads from protector. they have detachable nosings so you can join beads. There is so much waste with pvc
Yep thats the bead, ime out in Spain at the moment and builders are advertising themselves for 8 euros an hour FFS at least its warm though.
i seen loads of that finish in palma and malaga airport. miles of it . just corridor after corridor as you walk from the plane. Whoever did that must ve been havin it right off for a few months or even years.
i even thought it was pre cast slabs because there was so much of it
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