Plastering over a polytex painted ceiling

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New Member
Hi just wanted to know will plaster stay on a polytex finished ceiling or does it need removing first if so how?
If its on solid then pva and skim, but if it seem easy to scrape off then take it all off .
If it's been polytex over gypum skimmed ceiling should be ok if over lime based ceiling can bring problems, with peeling when skimming . And to answer your question I have done loads and loads of them.
i had a bloody nightmare with some white stuff over chrimbo...
stuff was dead soft, could scrape it with a fingernail, could have been one coat but could have been sommat else..
anyroad.... entire wall came off just before it was due to turn pink 2 days later...
gypbonded it and did it again, no worries this time...
f'ck knows what went wrong????
when I say a lime ceiling in some cases it;s the distemper paint what lifts off the ceiling when skimming . If the polytex is sound you should be ok .but if it was put over distemper paint it can peel. Why dont you pva and leave for a day so it drys. When you skim, on the first coat more or less let it dry then give it a quick roll of pva it will soon go tacky . Now give it the second coat and go easy on the water. If you see any blistering on the skim just pop it and flatten it in.
(Bumping) we've had this happen with Artexed ceilings before on a couple of occasions - this may explain why sometimes it peels off after skimming.
I,d go with overboard and skim every time if the client will pay the extra every time !! artex can be very unpredictable to skim over ? or scrape it all off and wear a mask as lots have asbestos in .......
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