what sort of gear would be best???????? im baffled. bonding should work in theory but the words bonding and damp dont go to well together. the membrane has a mesh n it not to simular to the old school scrim. in basement and rendering some internal walls anyhow. would this s**t take sand and cement. thinking some with some SBR or the bonding route or any other plaster??? would be the fastest. its on a price by the way.
i read this site religiously. some real good dudes on here. anyhow let me know what you guys experience is. last time i did it we fixed up battons and boarded but this is finished and guaranteed by another company so dont want to pierse the membrane. one coat??? bond and set???? render and set?????
i read this site religiously. some real good dudes on here. anyhow let me know what you guys experience is. last time i did it we fixed up battons and boarded but this is finished and guaranteed by another company so dont want to pierse the membrane. one coat??? bond and set???? render and set?????