plastering over a damp membrane system

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what sort of gear would be best???????? im baffled. bonding should work in theory but the words bonding and damp dont go to well together. the membrane has a mesh n it not to simular to the old school scrim. in basement and rendering some internal walls anyhow. would this s**t take sand and cement. thinking some with some SBR or the bonding route or any other plaster??? would be the fastest. its on a price by the way.

i read this site religiously. some real good dudes on here. anyhow let me know what you guys experience is. last time i did it we fixed up battons and boarded but this is finished and guaranteed by another company so dont want to pierse the membrane. one coat??? bond and set???? render and set?????
if its what im thinking of (platon or olroyd 'p') then you can pretty much do what you like with it as long as you dont peirce it..
Is it like a blue or black sheet that looks a bit like giant stiff bubble wrap?
Apparently it will take render but i tried this once with a normal mix and forget it.. its all on the floor soon as it comes off the trowel.. theres no suction whatsoever..
knock up with quickcem and you gotta be so fast its unreal, it'll go off in the barrow if your not carefull..
bonding would be good, not hardwall or toughcoat but personally i'd like to see fixings a 6" centres if i was gonna use it..
I'd dab it to be honest, quick, clean, will add to the stiffness of it etc..
dont worry about 'bonding and damp' or 'dabbing and damp' cos if the installers have done their job properly the damp is kept behind the membrane, all fixings areone thing does concern me though and thats plug and screw or plug and nail type, sealed with silicon..
the membrane should also cover the floor and lead to a sump which will run automatically at a given water level and exfil the water outside.. if they havent done that the water will just track under the membrane and youll have a wet floor..
one thing does concern me though and thats 'why havent the damp proofers done the plastering'? if anything goes wrong with the installation theyll just blame you and say you peirced the membrane..
try do a search for olroyd 'p' or 'platon membrane' the spec will be up there so you can compare em..
If your doin it on price and want to keep materials costs down i would give it a fairly week scratch coat and just as its going off give it another coat to the desired thickness six to one should be plenty strong enough, failing that and it's bugger the expense, tight scratch coat then dot boards over the lot, as mentioned if the membranes been installed right the mix really is not the issue but goes against the grain to use gypsum based products for this application (unless it's dry coat or limelight of course)
just thinkin on warrior..
he goes on about scrim on it..
if i remember rightly the platon is quite stiff with no mesh or scrim, used for internal basement waterproofing..
theres another one weve used before, bit thinner, real crinkly but its got a mesh on one side, an air gap then the plastic..
the plastic goes to the wall and the mesh goes to the soil externally.. the mesh holds the soil back and the air gap lets water drain down..
dont think they used the wrong stuff do you?
used think a simlare product just dabed it but like big segs saidwatch out for the warranty if it dosnt work they will just pass the buck
yo yo yo yo yo!!!!

im gonna scratch 1 and 1 then top with a sika 4 and 1 same day. let you know if it goes tits up. rendering anyway just three extra walls (membrane). should be solid and if it has been pierced ( i did notice a cut a ceiling level) then it should help. explained to client and hes happy. plus i hate bonding. dirty horrible stuff to float with. cheers. i will let you know how solid it sets.
That sika is well dear stuff ..... sure you need it as thats a tanking system in its own right isnt it ??? sure Ive used it before.

Rich b
Surely this product has a website that advises what to use instead of us all guessing at it.
hi mate,

i've just done a similar thing for a friend of mine, i left plaster off the walls for 2 weeks let it breathe a little, then i used thistle dri coat, its cement based with waterproofer, left for 24hrs and board finished it.... look really well to be honest and he's happy with it...... but i'm a bit of a have a go joe ;D if you to be sure of your results listen to bigsegs/warrior/richbrown on this topic and you won't go far wrong ;)
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