plasterers wanted in dubai

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Hello Mate
I have just come back from Dubai and there seems to be no building going on at all as everything has grind to a halt, and your right they do use cheap labour: Indians who are housed in massive camps and being paid peanuts
Id rather have mt d i c k put in the mixer than work for those arab sh i t s .
No one in there right mind would work out there.I watched a TV program not so long back showing how they treat the indians that go out there in search of riches.
They lock them up in small rooms with n o running water or toilets and expect them to cook on a 2 stove ring after working 12 hrs and an 1hr travel each way.
And most inportantly they pay you next to f u c k all!!!
skimmin2day said:
Id rather have mt d i c k put in the mixer than work for those arab sh i t s .
No one in there right mind would work out there.I watched a TV program not so long back showing how they treat the indians that go out there in search of riches.
They lock them up in small rooms with n o running water or toilets and expect them to cook on a 2 stove ring after working 12 hrs and an 1hr travel each way.
And most inportantly they pay you next to f u c k all!!!

i know 2 lads that have just come back from bricklaying out there wth no complaints banking a bag of sand every week with digs paid aswell there going back in 3 weeks
[quote They lock them up in small rooms with n o running water or toilets and expect them to cook on a 2 stove ring after working 12 hrs and an 1hr travel each way.

so whats you beef then ? sounds much the same as a midas site i worked on last year
richardbrown said:
[quote They lock them up in small rooms with n o running water or toilets and expect them to cook on a 2 stove ring after working 12 hrs and an 1hr travel each way.

so whats you beef then ? sounds much the same as a midas site i worked on last year

the joy of plastering, at least they got the sun out there ;D ;D
they are after your details and thats it its a load of b*ll***s the arse has fell out of it over there to many gaffs been flipped and its starting to show.
Alot of it has been down to themselfs, when the property prices were going through the roof the Sheiks held on to the apartment blocks rather than sell, sat on there fat arses rubbing there hands as the prices go up and now they can't get rid of them, prices have dropped 40% this year and next year it will rise to 70%
I tried to check the company out, the address on the add is in London but the only company i could find with that name was Irish, dont know.
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