plasterers in the uk...

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New Member
According to the national statistics there is 55,000 plasters in the uk but there is 149,000 decorators!

does the figure for plasterers seem low or high to you?
I think everyone can plaster these days thats all i bloody hear these days " I could do a bit of plastering " its usually all the other trades on site :-\
I remember when i started years ago they said if you can piss you can paint and plasterers are painters with there brains knocked out, well thats what they used to say, lol
I am totally fed up with people saying "im a plasterer" to me on site then when i sak them about it they say well i can plaster i did a patch in my bathroom.

really makes me boil
when i was serving my time (im 29) we had boys turn up from agencies with filling knives and all sorts (no hawks). used to get them floating!!! funny days! gave me the confidence to head out on me own. first with agencies then builders and so so
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