plaster tearing

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New Member
Can anyone help

Every now and then when trowling up ive been finding my plaster (multi) has been tearing?
Why is this happening? and what do i do when it does? (leave it or throw water at it)?

It has happend on all different types of backgrounds.

if its just the plaster tearing chances are its just a bad bag, but if its tearing off showing the substrate its a keying issue probaly caused by a dusty surface or flaky paint
Its only tearing the second coat not going all the way through to the background. And it happend again yesterday on plasterboard ruining the finish well making it alot hard the get a finish.
is the plaster from B&Q ? I have had a few problems with there plaster for some reason.
It has been on the other occasions but yesterdays was from TP.

So you think its down to bad bags not something I'm doing?
I have had this a lot, trowel up using more water to help loose the friction from the trowel then leave it until it starts to go brown before giving it a cross ... its a right royal pain in the ass!.

Thank Rich

When you say trowel up using more water is this to prevent it happening or is this what to do when it has happened?
hope this makes sense.

if you get a bad bag and it starts to tear as you have described then trowel up with a little water to stop it tearing, if its not starting to tear then just carry on working as normal mate.
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