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What do you lads normally charge on a metre rate for dashin, labour only. I usually just price fir how long it's gonna take plus mats and scaffold, but a local builder I'm doin work for wants a metre rate so he can put his price in workin off plans. Just a general price I can work around will help, cheers
Mr Render have you adjusted the prices on the calculator to allow for the recession, otherwise lads using it to price jobs may struggle to get much work. For instance there aren't many developers willing to pay £45m2 for monocouche at the moment are there.
My prices may be way out in your opinion however I run a limited company and have overheads to contend with, I will not drop my prices as I charge the rates i need to make a PROFIT not just a wage. You cant go into a garage and say hey why are you charging £1.10p per litre now when it was only £1.00 last week theres a recession on...
Just hope the next big job your pricing you are tendering against me as you will probably get it... oh... and make a wage...
I havent spent all my working life learning the trade to sell myself short when it comes to a salary... i know im worth 100k plus a year and the people, companies etc who employ me never quibble as they are always happy with the job... so basically what im saying is... you charge what the *uc* you want and i will charge what i think is correct for my business... oops sorry about that word there... business not charity
Agreed with above , pricing it depends on how big you are really ,vat registered ,how many vans you run all sorts. Above all your bank balance ;D .
if you are the main contractor and facing retentions + anything else the system can minus your proffit on the job id say why not ? .
put it this way some of the jobs i do have a 12 month retention, then they take 90 days to pay you anyway etc etc etc etc.

sometimes you have to charge more just to cover your ass
same as but realistically we are in a recession and building companies are not goin to pay 45m2 for mono, maybe youll get it on selfbuilds but with house builders no way!
to be honest I dont know the going rate for mono ... I just charge what I want to do the job, if i get it ideal if i dont then I do something else
yeah but when things go tits up my phone number is 01215722 3767 3333 do one 15 477 whats yours ?
We just got under cut on a mono job by 2 grand and we went in tight supply and fit £21.70m2 not including beads. But we got the internal but didnt get the external but the internal is worth more and we dont really want the outside with the weather we been getting ;)
Of course everybody should price as they see fit but at the moment I personally don't know any firms willing to pay me the same rates I was getting 2 years ago. I know for a fact that some of the jobs I've "won" recently I haven't been the lowest price but the firms want me to do the jobs but not at any price, so they're paying more than they have to and I'm getting less than I used to. Anyone still getting the same rates they were getting before the recession then all I can say is you are very lucky and very rare indeed.
£21.70m2 ????? and you didnt get it.... bloody hell i pay £9.75 a bag plus vat for Parex mono = £11.45 so your looking at making £10.00 per m2 labour approx? now i know how much to pay my subbies... im to (was to generous) i think
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