pebble dash

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Love dashing , not done one in over a year except for the compass thingy i did

pebble dash
grand wizard said:
you should have done a big pentagram scared the (german word) out the neighbours
;D ;D ;D
church said:
Looks sharp Paul and the angle bead looks plumb ;)

Its a stop bead mate and it stops short of the edge about 10mm ;) optical delusion i fink (as they say darn sarf)
;D ;D ;D ;D
How did you do the pebble dash in diff colours? Did you have to do one colour, then rend and dash other bits or do it all at once?
Bruce Willis said:
How did you do the pebble dash in diff colours? Did you have to do one colour, then rend and dash other bits or do it all at once?

yes mate did the main background first and then cut and detailed 8)
love it cant beat my finish i spent my first 2yearrs of my apprentiship dashin every day day in day out white backgruonds and multi coloured stones all my mates get me to theres .... i love it
pm me
plasterjfe said:
sorry i left this post been working away but if you are interested warrior i will price it but its in wales

Much appreciated mate but i am stacked out at the min , at least for the next four months , sure there will be a few local lads on here that could do it , be more cost effective, try merlin he might know a few welch boys ;)
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