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Well-Known Member
anyone know the mixes for sand/lime pargetting? the missus has just caught me looking at some on tinternet and wants some on the back of the house. always fancied having a go as well.
cheers andy, didn't know if there was extra lime in it, i thought it looked a bit creamier than usual in some of the vids i've been looking at.
When working on old/listed buildings then lime would be used but most of the stuff done on modern buildings is done with sand/cement/lime, a little extra lime wouldn't hurt.
carping said:
deeerrrr i know that numty wasnt ment too beeee :o

mate all you do is come on here, tell us how good you are and post links to youtube. if you want to post them then do it in rellevant topics. or better still, stop doing it
who took the jam out your doguhnut man cool off dude no need for bitching ill stop posting links m8te try talking to pople with respect if you want it back m8te.
as i said before if you have a problem then its your problem m8te
im not bitching with you and i dont come on here saying how good i am at all m8te rant over
carping said:
who took the jam out your doguhnut man cool off dude no need for bitching ill stop posting links m8te try talking to pople with respect if you want it back m8te.
as i said before if you have a problem then its your problem m8te

to be perfectly honest i dont want your respect. i havent got a problem. we had a conversation a while ago about how all topics are ending up in shitty youtube links and theres no need for it. what makes you want to think someone asking about pargetting wants to see rendersystems doing some mono?! ???
carping said:
its a laugt m8te sorry and i dont want your respect m8te end of

yeah its a top laugh. here lads look at this video of someone doing some rendering. heres another one, wait for it wait for it...its rendering! top job, i can do it like that i can
Carping, the lads on here were gettin fed up with all the irrelevant you tube as well as comments. I hold my hand up by saying that I was one of the guys that posted FAR too much crap. The forum needs to be about relevant stuff other wise theres too many wastfull posts to wade through before you get to the required info.
One or two gags etc is fine but after that lets keep em to the talk about anything section :)
Love and peace ;D
Traditionally, pargeting was modelled in lime plaster and was highly fashionable from its introduction by Henry VIII until about 1780. Lime is much more versatile than modern gypsum plaster as it can be worked freehand in situ creating ornamentation which is individual and full of sensual curves.

From grand Tudor mansions the fashion spread to smaller houses, either as freehand modelling or as simpler scratch patterns. Delicate marmorino is the baroque Italian version and there was also an arts and crafts revival.

In Suffolk and north Essex pargeting is still a live trade though at one time it was much more widely spread around the country and York was famous for its pargeting.
The original raw material is parge, a mixture of sand and lime with a binder like hair, traditionally used for parging flues and underlining roof tiles to reduce drafts. Many additional ingredients are recorded, including stable urine, loam, soot, tallow, road scrapings, cheese, dung, blood and salt, the aim being to produce a viscous material slowly curing to something leather hard. If it cured too quickly it would be difficult to work up a complex pattern; if it cured too slowly the frost might catch it. Traditional mixes might be applied in two or three layers finished with a limewash sheltercoat (repeated layers may obscure the design); later pargeting often contains cement, sometimes in sufficiently high proportions for the ornamentation to appear harsh, with a greater risk of cracking.
what use is that info? pug asked the mix ratio for pargetting, he got an answer within 3 posts and then you post loads of s**t about how pargetting was done millions of years go. and videos with no relevance, if it was a video of how to do pargetting fair enough, it would be beneficial to the topic but suprise suprise, its not. i'm not going to keep arguing because its just making the topic even longer than it needs to be. Pug I hope you enjoy doing it mate and post a couple of pics when its done.
Here's attempt at pargetting , not quite happy with it so gonna have another go tomorrow

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