parex acrylic

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Clients talking about the STO brand acrylic now. Basically onto brick what can you guys advise using if they want acrylic. Also any pitfalls against monorex etc? And does it prevent staining as much as it claims?
If waters running down it from no overhangs etc then this too will get dirty. Not as fast as mono or unpainted sand & cement. Just think if you left a brand new car outside for years. Even the glass and paint will get dirty over time. Anything that has a painted quality to it like acrylic or painted sand & cement stays cleaner than dash or mono. Another way to look at it is anything that gets darker when wet gets dirty quicker.
A good point to remember is that if you start off with the plastic/painted look of acrylic you can redecorate years down the road making it brand new again. When you select a mineral finish like mono or dash your fighting a losing battle with eventual staining that can't be remedied without changing the appearance of it through painting.
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