gonna do outside render on old house, done lime render before but not hydraulic lime. after 30 years you' think i would av come across that but no. some of the older chaps might be able 2 enlighten me. cheers
Like your username Is the outside over Rib lath ? if so hydraulic lime comes in 25kg bags and has three different strenghts 5.0 being the strongest then 3.5 , 2.0 its best done in three coat work the gauge is 2-1 sand to lime using sharp sand for the for the 1st coat then either a plastering sand or mixed sharp and soft for the second and a washed silver sand  for the  - 3rd coat using the  limes strongest to weakest , you also add 3 to 4 bundles of pig hair if u you are using a two barrow mixer,im sure it also comes premixed (dry) so you just have to mix it up but never done it thay way , wait 6-8 days between coats wetting in render ever two days . The render mixes slowly and the 1st sratch coats hard going but it get easier trust me, you can knock it back  because it sets up the minute its out the mixer , prices wise look for around £50 per meter , lime costs round £ 12 a bag pig hair around £200 a box or £ 8 a bundle   away let me know if you need more info.
nice info church plasterers fall into alot of categorys, inside, outside but experience with lime nowadays is pretty rare even sparring and roughcasting only seems to be done by the errmm more experienced lads ??
anyway mate how does each coat pull in does it need a good wetting down before applying youre next coat?
Does experienced lads mean old ? it dosn't pull in as much as you would think as the sand gets "softer " it gets easyier to use it mixes better and gets more permiable, yes you wet in each coat but the difference between a good soaking and wetting in is hard to describe. But like standard renders that must depend on the time of year a certain amount. Each coat has to be protected from the rain for 72 hours so as you can imagine an enclosed waterproof scaffolding is a must on larger jobs. Hope this answers your question, please remember I have started brinking!!
Some informative stuff there church i have worked for heritage before and used lime plasters but never got to know the technical data.....Every time i have done it, it has come premixed by a company in Bristol called chards they even put the hair in it so have never had to mix it my self.
perhaps thats the difference between lime puttys , plasters and renders, im far from being an expert  bodplasterer :-/ but inside stuff it has to stand and cure before you spread it  im sure of that perhaps thats why it premixed in tubs ?
cheers church, its sraight onto old brickwork after we've chopped the old cement stuff off.is it possible to just use the lime without the hair in? and is there any cement involved at all? Kin exspensive stuff int it!
No cement used  in the mix just the lime, sand and hair it works out roughly £ 50 per mixer full. i would use the hair mate  what you have to remember this is specailist work and for that poeple have to pay i premium price ,even the lime-wash paint not cheap. I take it its soft red bricks ?
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