Opinion needed.

You were doing all your work with a medi flex a few months ago lurpack would love to see a halogen down some of that big man ..be as rippled as your faboulous forearms
Sounds romantic. You’d need a blanket for customers head if left wall like that round here.

Interesting that the site monkeys think its ok lol
Opinion needed.
My pet hate is those little lines when the trowel has squeaked on the wall - does anyone have a funny name for them? - you didn't miss it. You know you f**k**g well did it because the trowel told you so. Doesn't take a second to get a bit of fat and put it right.
Fat wont help you need to fill with proper finish not watered down finish
Sounds romantic. You’d need a blanket for customers head if left wall like that round here.

Interesting that the site monkeys think its ok lol
It’s not trowel that creates ripples it’s the mongoloid hanging off it.

Theres the same flex in me mt than tbe medi. If you ever break one in you’ll know what i mean.
i skimmed one beam in the last 4 weeks so I doubt I'll be breaking much of anything in
i skimmed one beam in the last 4 weeks so I doubt I'll be breaking much of anything in

Ripples are from thick gear or bad timing. Flex trowels leave more room for error because of the thin blade.

Could use a flex trowel start to finish long as you cross at right time wont ripple.
Ripples are from thick gear or bad timing. Flex trowels leave more room for error because of the thin blade.

Could use a flex trowel start to finish long as you cross at right time wont ripple.
Why did you stop using it then? Less strain on your elbow and perfect finish
Why did you stop using it then? Less strain on your elbow and perfect finish

Because it exploded on a socket so i sent it to @Burt Reynolds and he took the holes out.

It was a nice trowel and apparently still is but theres something about your first one tbat you always go back to it.

I’m due a new one tho now can’t do angles with mine anymore
Opinion needed.
Ok give me 20 mins. Just for @Lodan i will take pictures of my little boys room which was skimmed start finish with a medi flex lol
Hologen down it please lurpack :bailando::bailando: on skirting lines and around sockets
Our general contractor hired plasterers for our new addition. Found imperfections which I fixed. When painted and wall sconces placed, these were the results. Is this poor quality plastering work or am I being unreasonable?
Yes it not good
Whith that light but that can happen to the best plastrer on a bad day. get him back to correct it. I always ask customer if ther wall light if so I make sure I get my halogen lamp on that spot wher light are going to be. Becouse they are going show every inperfection a nother point if that silk paint change it to matt paint
Spoken like a true site monkey

Fook me on domestic customer wouldn’t pay for that shite
I don't work on site u nob. I do everything in the trade. And I didn't say it was good or bad. Need to see the wall without light. If you know anything about plastering u need the light shining down the wall so u can plaster with the light. Or don't skim it. Do a level 5 finish not a level 4 like skim.
Why are your sockets yellow, just out of interest or is it my phone
I don't work on site u nob. I do everything in the trade. And I didn't say it was good or bad. Need to see the wall without light. If you know anything about plastering u need the light shining down the wall so u can plaster with the light. Or don't skim it. Do a level 5 finish not a level 4 like skim.

Yeah a light is a rough c**ts worst nightmare I know.

No wall is perfect and a light will amplify imperfections. Best thing to do is use lights and try not to leave imperfections and get paid
Yeah a light is a rough c**ts worst nightmare I know.

No wall is perfect and a light will amplify imperfections. Best thing to do is use lights and try not to leave imperfections and get paid
You really dont get it do you
I aint defending it its bad but it aint been done in the light thats been applied after

I know where you’re coming from
But if i said to a customer its their fault because they put a light there after skimming id get laughed at. Can’t exactly have that light there pre plastering .
I would look at ceiling lines, skirting and architrave has he cleaned these neat? Cleaned out sockets and window reveals wiped clean etc, if so then he is conscientious and there is room for Give and take.
I know where you’re coming from
But if i said to a customer its their fault because they put a light there after skimming id get laughed at. Can’t exactly have that light there pre plastering .
People dont have lights like that in houses you can see this is different