Open chimney breast


New Member
Hi all.
We've recently purchaser a 1930s semi and have opened up the dining room fireplace as part of our kitchen/diner refurb.

Im a little torn with what to do next.
Im going to be installing a range cooker in the opening. (See pics)

Do i float n set / board n skim / skim wit vitcas straight onto the brick? Inside the open chimney and on the outer three walls.

Any help is grately appreciated.



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  • Open chimney breast
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Hello and welcome

There are so many fireplace threads you can search the forum and read through to your hearts content!

s/c and skim with Vitcas

Cement board, pre grit and skim

Few opinions there
Firmacell power panels dabbed on, fire cement up the joints and paint is your safest option, you can skim the boards and I have done plenty of times but there’s always a risk they may crack (mine never have)
Thats great, thanks everyone.
I like the sand/cement render then vitcas idea. I'll keep looking around the forum at other examples.
Waddington fell for the sand?
Used it alot for a pointing company i worked for...always looked great on the right stone.