Oops ,, I forgot sorry

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New Member
Hello all .
i joined the site a couple of months ago and forgot to say hi .
I'm a plasterer of 30 years ( driving the trowel ) from south uk .
i just come back from 7 years in oz and New Zealand .
im finding the site very useful for a catch up of what I've missed while away and how things have moved on .
So thanks to all .
yeh but Australia can be unbearably hot! I wouldn't want to be plastering in the summer heat they have over there. New Zealand, now thats a different kettle of fish.
I was what they call a solid plasterer ... Ie rendering ..
We just worked in front of the sun .. The shaded walls .
Hosed everything down ,,
pools we started at 5 in the morning and used shade cloths .
And they use lots of modified plasters ... Sto and such ...
Great place to live but the money's rubbish .. Lol
Cheers for the warm welcome .
and from reading some of the threads I see the boys still have humour and charm in bucket loads lol .
its good to be back
Welcome spreader , you did swimming pools over there then, i have done a few pools in OZ and worked under the green -netting for shade ........ great place, why was you money **** ?
I got stuck workin for a firm on a visa .... They take the mick for the first year coz they know your tied to them .
once I got it all sorted the money got better but still not great .
I ended up workin with a Scotsman ... We imported multi finish and was going well until nz gypsum got the hump lol.
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