oooooooh where to put it hmmmmmmmmmmmn

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Private Member
where do you lads put the machine when youre spraying, can it go inside and have a lead to the genny or do you get it close by outside and use longer hoses ??? ::)
whatever floats your boat but its better to have a shorter hose as this cuts down on back pressure and wear on rotor
Depends what im spraying ive had mine inside with the genny outside, or leave it outside, if its raining i have a massive fishing brolly to cover the hopper so the powder dont get wet
Chuck it inside if you've got a spare box of dustmasks!!talking of saving wear on rotor does anyone bother with a 35mm hose first then 25mm?
pftmonojetman said:
Depends what im spraying ive had mine inside with the genny outside, or leave it outside, if its raining i have a massive fishing brolly to cover the hopper so the powder dont get wet
I suppose the powder sticks better when its dry ;D
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