old wooden beads

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Well-Known Member
i did a job few months ago and the old wooden beads i skimmed over cracked, i nailed a thin coat bead over the top then skimmed - as you do.
is this some thing to do with the wood expanding when getting wet?
can any1 advise me on how to avoid this happening again as i have got some to do tomoz.
i was thinking of using roughing beads and giving it a tight coat of bonding just around the beaded area.

any ideas?
Should really take them out mac, but in the past the bloke who taught me would scrim the wood and over the joint then tight bond then bead and skim and it seemed to work but in my opinon i would rip them out pal!!!
i think im going to skrim it and give it a tight coat of bonding just to be safe, bead over it and then skim.
cheers lads for advice.

Mate it would crack the same if you bonded it.Wood is a natural product and expands and contratcs with heat and cooling and twists and swells with moisture.To be certain take it off.
I usually explain to the customer that i can remove at cost of £50 or you can take the chance there might be a very faint crack along the bead that can be filled and never seen a gain.
i ususally scrim over it twice bead and skim.Only ever had half a dozen comebacks in 20 years plastering.
use a wide winged skim bead and then scrim ..... i wouldnt like to take them out, usually the walls are on their last legs and may start to come to pieces
take them off they take a minute cut with a saw at the bottom and prise them off fill with bonding and skim bead it.
stick them up too mate you probably opened up all the cracks smacking nails home wit hammer ..........aye cup of yorkshire tea lad aye
Depends on what the customer/builder wants and time you've got for the job, I do either bead n scrim or if they insist it's remove and patch em in!!
remove them or it will crack doesnt matter what the customer says its your name and if it cracks its you who will get a call it takes two minutes to take them off.
i put roughing beads over the wooden beads stuck on with skim filled them out then 2 coated them, so there's like three coats over the beaded area looked solid enough and i have warned the women that they may crack and if they do to ring me back and i will go back and sort it no problem, i had not allowed the time or materials to mess about pulling them out and re-bonding the angle.
in future i will give the customer the option of either paying that bit more for ripping out or just beading them up with rough beads.
lazy arses it takes 2 mins to rip out without makin a mess and your squaring them up so charging extra is a joke.
spunky said:
stick them up too mate you probably opened up all the cracks smacking nails home wit hammer ..........aye cup of yorkshire tea lad aye

''smacking nails home wit hammer........ aye'' lol
aye lad ...now pick up ammer and smash nail int't bead ......right thats it hit b*****d home till birds sing polly long cock got tightfanny aye lad aye
Cant tha use sum bleedin buildin tape ont them thar beads, white buildin tape over wood cos it suck like a good bitch.
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