Old school friday

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Well-Known Member
Evening all , had to do some internal sand and cement floating today , its been a while since ive had to do a days roughing out ,the blockwork was durox high suction blocks so even after a drink you couldnt really hang around when slaping it on , got to say that it was something i found so easy to do years ago, but today it came as a bit of a shock to the system i can tell you :RpS_scared:,but still it was i days work i strangly enjoyed , just wondered what you all thought about this side of our trade , gone for good or miss that part of our job ??
Funny that, i floated the same on Monday, and skimmed it wednesday.Mixing up in a cement mixer outside and having to carry it upstairs, fuked before you start.Must say, lovely finnish though.
Hey JJ long time :RpS_wink: at least you burned off a few cals for a large mixed meat jobbie
tonight lol .....
I did Churchie, trouble was i had it all skimmed by lunch time, so went for a best special.Got home in the evening and the Mrs said, cant be arsed to cook, u mind getting a bab tonight.2 babs in 1 day, meant a massive dump the next morning.
I have a job coming up and they are digging there heals in it must be sand and cement. And it all on a mix of flint and bricks.
Not done any sand and cement internal for years ,its all just dot n dab these days which i find v boring compared to a skilled job like s and c. when its done and all devil floated up in figure 8's its look **** hot and its a shame to skim over .:)
Those were the days ,nice to set ,and the labourer even if he had one ,didn,t have time to play with his phone ever 10 mins :rolleyes)
love floating sand and cement and i hate haveing to skim it over as the skimming is the easy part and you loose all the hardwork behind it i.e the sand and cement haha, but a little drop of waterproofer through it and its a dream to skim
the builders only want sand and cement because it is the cheapest. how are you getting it upstairs since health and safety banned the hod carrier?
interesting point keithuk , with the noise from a diesel mixer drowning out the text alert and the light from being outdoors causing probs viewing the screen on there phones could be a nightmare for the modern labourer perhaps its better the render method dies off
Still would off been interesting to see what the two herberts i laboured for would of made of waiting for a barrow load ,while i updated my status ..
Lets face it with all this h&s stuff - I always wonderd about 110v on site, no 240v allowed... How the hell do folks charge their battery drills??
you can get 110 chargers i see some chippies useing them on a site in southwark
Lets face it with all this h&s stuff - I always wonderd about 110v on site, no 240v allowed... How the hell do folks charge their battery drills??
when i was working in holland they would not have 110v on site as they considered it too dangerous, 110v will hold you on to the current where as 240v will throw you off it
when i was working in holland they would not have 110v on site as they considered it too dangerous, 110v will hold you on to the current where as 240v will throw you off it
AC/DC etc. also 110v throws out a higher current than 240v
I did Churchie, trouble was i had it all skimmed by lunch time, so went for a best special.Got home in the evening and the Mrs said, cant be arsed to cook, u mind getting a bab tonight.2 babs in 1 day, meant a massive dump the next morning.
Yeh and some of us got a photographic update:RpS_blink:
240v is not illegal on site as long as you have a breaker every 10 metres just these stupid companies enforce stupid rules because they are being dictacted to by insurance companies who know fcuk all, same as PAT testing no law for that they just make it up.
240v is not illegal on site as long as you have a breaker every 10 metres just these stupid companies enforce stupid rules because they are being dictacted to by insurance companies who know fcuk all, same as PAT testing no law for that they just make it up.

insurance companies run the building industry in holland, when i was last there they banned floor screeding as they said it was to manual work,as they had to many claims for back injuries from screeders,so now it is all pumped liquid screeds
Although I'm doing less and less F&S with S&C I still prefer it to any other area of internal plastering.
There are still people who go for S&C because they think it's a better job, especially if you nudge them in that direction.
We've got a big bungalow to do in the new year which was down to be D&D but I swayed them into S&C, lovely.
i always try to persuade the builders i work for to go for s/c but they always always stick with dot and dab, every now and then i get a customer who prefers sand and cement or i can sway that way but they seem few and far beyond now
what i find funny about the health and safety is we are constantly told that you shouldnt lift more than 20kg on your own. and all are bags are 25kg......
what i find funny about the health and safety is we are constantly told that you shouldnt lift more than 20kg on your own. and all are bags are 25kg......
Aye, the you dump a bag and a bit into a bucket of water, mix it and hoik it around.
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