old house -pva or wet walls prior to dry-lining

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New Member
ive got a job coming up which is dot n dabing a couple of walls in a house that are back to brick. old victorian house, dusty bricks.

I was thinking of sweeping the walls down then soaking them a couple of time before dry lining. What do think? will that be enough or should i pva them instead and if so what ratio. weak?

If its back to brick chief, I wouldn't worry - give a good sweep to get rid of any dust and then just dab onto the bricks - Dri-wall adhesive sticks like sh*t to a blanket mark my word
Id give them a sweep then a wet and weak pva mix then cut your sheets and dab them on ,,,,,, i have had them pop when dusty so for the sake of ten mins its not worth the risk and it sounds better when your explaining the bill to the customer .... :)

ill agree with either or mate, end of the day if theres any dust at all left on there its gonna come unstuck so even if you just use your pva as a dust grabber it'll help..
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