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New Member
hello chaps can a nail float be used on ocr would it look the same sort of texture when painted and is it same rule thumb and nail for when its ready to scrape
not too sure mate dont think it has the same makeup as the scraped stuff never scraped it before maybe one of the others will know >:(
i think it can be finished with a scrape float (not nail float, as in a devil flaot for plaster) ask southernmonkey I think me and him had a chat about this before.
I've looked in to this quite a lot parex were the only ones who said you could float up the mono ok the rest said if floated it wouldn't be all the same colour if you no what I mean
pwi said:
I've looked in to this quite a lot parex were the only ones who said you could float up the mono ok the rest said if floated it wouldn't be all the same colour if you no what I mean

have u floated parex?
spunky said:
you can float tyrolean which gives a sort of pitted finish
is it more like a patting down spunkst i seen this done with either a mono or a polymer by spraying like a splatter coat on after rendering then patting flat/floating to give this pitted effect. you can get a spray on product just for this type of finish also that gives a finer finish than what i just mentioned with the mono
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