Now- then spreads.

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New Member
been reading your comments on the site and thaught id join in and say awight!

Ive got a question......

How does anyone make any money when you go vat registered?

this time last year there was just me and a lacky.
since the floods came to hull  ive made some decent coin which has took me over the thresh hold for being vat registered - now when i get to site ive  5 lads all with thier hands out asking for thier wages - ive got the accountant askin for his and now gordon brown wants 17.5% of my takings plus the income tax hes gonna take off my profits! -

they werent there the last time i looked.

i need help really badly. i am a good spread and the lads ive braught in to help me deal with the shear volume of work are top drawer - potentially ive got a nice little business going - but not if i have to keep shelling out like this - what can i do? any tips? some of you lads will know what to do im sure - will going ltd help?

if anyone replies back write as if your talking to an absolute thick lad cos when it comes to vat, ltd companies, tax, holiday pay, statutory sickpay, and all the other spikes that brown wants to stab me with i dont know anything.... cheers.
Re:  Now- then spreads.

hello mate welcome to the site.

good to here things are going well.

as for all the money you got to pay out, tax, extra tax and even more tax i know as much as you on this one, the harder we work the more that gets taken away. this country is a joke!!!

at a guess i would have thought by the sounds of it in your situation it would be better to become a ltd company, but i am only guessing here im sure someone will come along shortly and confirm this or say im talking crap lol.

its good that you have a gang of spreads that you can reply on and can do a good job, im looking for one at the moment in swindon area.

Re:  Now- then spreads.


Maybe getting the other spreads off the cards and makingt them invoice you, that way you dont have to worry about holiday pay ect.

I am a subby so I just invoice and get paid... dont think I cost too much

Re:  Now- then spreads.

yea i did toy with the idea of just using them on a subby basis but they were putting a bit of pressure on me to go on the books (understandable i spose) but i think youve got to be really carefull when making the jump from 1 man band to having a few vans cos the costs are massive!
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