Notched rule

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Private Member
Anyone know where i can get a steel rigid notched rule. 1-1.2m long for.basecoating.

Ive got a notched trowel and sometimes use refina serrated rule for between beads.

I want a proper notch on a rigid rule now
Anyone know where i can get a steel rigid notched rule. 1-1.2m long for.basecoating.

Ive got a notched trowel and sometimes use refina serrated rule for between beads.

I want a proper notch on a rigid rule now
Get a sheet metal fabricator to knock one out for you
I have seen the in the shop. I think is the only place you can get them.
Scroll to the bottom
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Don't know if s rigid enough tho
Anyone know where i can get a steel rigid notched rule. 1-1.2m long for.basecoating.

Ive got a notched trowel and sometimes use refina serrated rule for between beads.

I want a proper notch on a rigid rule now
Try 01709 581911
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