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New Member

My name is Steve and I am a Bricklayer (sounds like an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting!)
Been a Bricklayer for 30 plus years, Labourer,Apprentice, City & Guilds etc etc
I started as a Labourer when in the good old days there was at least two small builders in every street , the first one was a Plaster who taught me to skim boards etc, the days when grey side was for plastering, white side was for artex and scrim tape was not self-addesive !

It must of been the fact I always got lego as a boy why i became a Bricklayer ! :RpS_crying:

Always admired the "Dark Art" of plastering and the finish a good spread can achieve.

I gave up the building game a few years back to do other things, but recently came out of retirement as my daughter bought a four bed house that need some work, (love job).

To cut a long story short, the whole place has been dot and dabbed and i have skimmed the lot (2 coats) the ceilings are artex, put board screws in just to be safe, flattened them and second coated "lay in " is the right wording?

I have read here in the forums some great tips that I have used so thanks for that !

Please feel free to take the piss as I can take as good as I get !

Welcome Steve . I was always told that a bricklayer is only a plasterer with his brain knocked out anyway. :RpS_biggrin:
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