nightmare ceiling...

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New Member
Ive been plastering for about 6 months or so with pretty good results and I got called to house which had water damage in the living room from the bathroom above.

I repaired the damaged area PVA'd and skimmed over the lot...

As i was flattening it, the rest started to sag and fall away from the ceiling :'( so i had to pull it all off.

I told the customer of my problem & said i'd be back tomorrow to start afresh. The next day after PVA'ing the original plaster i started laying on the first coat, but no more than 10 minutes had passed & it was gone - i bearly got 1/3rd of it done and it was solid. mega suction!

What should i have done ?
you shoulda gave it one coat of about 6:1, let it dry, takes no more than 10 minutes on new plaster, then give it another bout 3:1, let it go tacky, all the time in the world then..
er..hang on, you said you took it all off again didnt you...i would be wondering why it came off in the first place...ive had this happen before, check posts on distemper
Yeah thats right..whatever was underneath peeled away from the rest of the ceiling in a kind of sheet.

so yeah could have been distemper...ok thanks i'll check out the topic on it...cheers
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